Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of S3REST

02/28/10 23:01:03 (15 years ago)
Dominic König



  • S3REST

    v4 v5  
    1414=== Attributes ===
     16The following attributes are set during initialisation of an XRequest object, no further call is required.
     18==== Controller Attributes ====
    1620||'''rc'''||the resource controller object (''S3XRC'')||
    17 ||'''prefix'''||the prefix (=module name) of the requested resource (''string'')||
    18 ||'''name'''||the name of the requested resource, without prefix (''string'')||
    1921||'''request'''||the original web2py request (''Storage'')||
    2022||'''session'''||the current session (''Storage'')||
    21 ||'''error'''||the last error message (''string'')||
    22 ||'''invalid'''||Flag indicating this request as invalid (''boolean'')||
    23 ||'''badmethod'''||Flag indicating a bad method error (''boolean'')||
    24 ||'''badrecord'''||Flag indicating a invalid record ID error (''boolean'')||
    25 ||'''badrequest'''||Flag indicating an unqualified request error (''boolean'')||
     24==== Request Attributes ====
    2626||'''representation'''||the current representation of this request (''string'', lowercase)||
    2727||'''http'''||the HTTP method of this request (''string'', always uppercase!)||
    2828||'''extension'''||the extension found in the original request (''string'', lowercase)||
     29||'''method'''||the method of the request if not HTTP (''string'', always lowercase)||
     30||'''custom_action'''||the custom method handler for the request (''function'' or ''lambda'')||
     32==== Primary Resource Attributes ====
     34||'''prefix'''||the prefix (=module name) of the requested resource (''string'')||
     35||'''name'''||the name of the requested resource, without prefix (''string'')||
    2936||'''tablename'''||the name of the primary table (''string'')||
    3037||'''table'''||the primary table (''Table'')||
    31 ||'''method'''||the method of the request if not HTTP (''string'', always lowercase)||
    3238||'''id'''||the ID of the primary record (''int'')||
    3339||'''record'''||the primary record (''Row'')||
     41==== Component Resource Attributes ====
    3443||'''component'''||the requested component, if any (''!ObjectComponent'')||
    3544||'''pkey'''||the primary key of the Resource/Component join (''string'')||
    3847||'''component_id'''||the ID of the component record as of the request, if any (''int'')||
    3948||'''multiple'''||Flag indicating that multiple component records are allowed (''boolean'')||
    40 ||'''custom_action'''||the custom method handler for the request (''function'' or ''lambda'')||
     50==== Error Indicators ====
     52||'''error'''||the last error message (''string'')||
     53||'''invalid'''||Flag indicating this request as invalid (''boolean'')||
     54||'''badmethod'''||Flag indicating a bad method error (''boolean'')||
     55||'''badrecord'''||Flag indicating a invalid record ID error (''boolean'')||
     56||'''badrequest'''||Flag indicating an unqualified request error (''boolean'')||
    4258'''!ObjectComponent''' contains: