Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of SahanaCamp/1.2

11/09/10 06:57:03 (14 years ago)
Michael Howden



  • SahanaCamp/1.2

    v7 v8  
    11= !SahanaCamp 1.2 Vietnam  =
    3 '''2nd – 5th November 2010'''[[BR]]
    4 '''Hanoi, Vietnam'''[[BR]]
    5 '''Sponsored by IBM'''[[BR]]
     3[wiki:SahanaCamp1.2Announcement Announcement]
    7 !SahanaCamp is a 4 day event to show participants how information technology can help with Disaster Management through the Sahana Eden Open Source Disaster Management Platform. Sahana Eden has been deployed in numerous disasters including the 2010 Haiti Earthquake and Pakistan Floods. !SahanaCamp will be an intensive, interactive and participatory event, where participants will get hands on experience using the Sahana Eden Platform. The event will be facilitated by Fran Boon and Michael Howden from the Sahana Software Foundation, who have extensive experience in using technology for Disaster Management and  have run similar !SahanaCamps in India and Taiwan. !SahanaCamp will contain general sessions for people interesting in using Sahana Eden for disaster management and technical sessions for people who are interested in supporting the use of Sahana Eden in Vietnam and contributing to the Sahana Eden project.
    9 == !SahanaCamp General Sessions: 2nd – 3rd November ==
    10 === Sessions:  ===
    11  * Information in Disaster Management
    12  * Introduction to Sahana Eden Open Source Disaster Management Platform
    13  * Using Sahana in Disaster Simulations
    14  * Implementing Sahana in your organisation
    15 === Goals ===
    16  * To understand the role of Information in Disaster Management
    17  * To be able to use Sahana for Disaster Management
    18  * To be able to support the implementation of Sahana in your organisation
    19 === Target Participants:  ===
    20  * Disaster Management Professionals
    21  * People working for Government, UN, NGOs or other agencies involved in Disaster Management
    22  * Academics involved in Disaster Management
    24 == !SahanaCamp Technical Sessions: 4th – 5th November ==
    25 === Sessions: ===
    26  * Introduction to coding in Sahana Eden
    27  * Customizing Sahana Eden for Vietnam
    28  * Deploying Sahana Eden
    29  * Contributing the Sahana Eden Project
    30 === Goals ===
    31  * To be able to support the deployment of Sahana Eden
    32  * To be able to develop new features in Sahana Eden
    33 === Target Participants: ===
    34  * People developing IT solutions for Government, UN, NGOs or other agencies involved in Disaster Management
    35  * IT Professionals and Academics  interested in developing IT solutions for Disaster Management
    36 === Prerequisites: ===
    37  * Participants will be learning to code in Sahana Eden and will be expected to have prior programming and web development experience.
    38  * Participants in the !SahanaCamp Technical Sessions will also be expected to attend the General Sessions
    40 == Applications ==
    41 !SahanaCamp is free, although spaces are limited. Applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis after the Thursday, 14th October. Please apply at: 
     5== Schedule ==
    43 For more information please contact michael at
    44 == Sahana Software Foundation ==
    45 The Mission of the Sahana Software Foundation is to help alleviate human suffering by giving emergency managers, disaster response professionals and communities access to the information that they need to better prepare for and respond to disasters through the development and promotion of free and open source software and open standards.
    46 []
    48 == IBM ==
    49 IBM set up its business and operated in Vietnam from 1938 to 1975. In 1993, IBM returned to Vietnam for market evaluation and in 1996, IBM Vietnam Company was established and became one of the first 100% foreign-invested IT companies in Vietnam.  IBM provides a complete range of products and services in Vietnam. IBM brings a new level of integration for processes and applications inside the business, suppliers and distributors and to the outside for their customers.
    50 As a part of long-term commitment to Vietnam’s socio-economic development, IBM’s volunteers and partners have been working on Sahana deployment in Vietnam to help the government and people response to natural disaster effectively.   
    51 []
     7=== General Sessions ===
     10=== Technical Sessions ===