== Server-Side Pagination == Currently we do all pagination client-side which won't be possible to keep doing as we accumulate more data * http://datatables.net/examples/data_sources/server_side.html This will be needed for: * [wiki:HaitiRMSToDo Request Management System] * [wiki:HaitiOrgsToDo Organisation Registry] * [wiki:HaitiVolToDo Volunteer Registry] fractalis has offered to look at this Will need to patch into the {{{models\01_RESTlike_Controller}}}. We already have options to filter the results within a busy REST controller, so could do something like: {{{ if request.vars.page and request.vars.pagesize: start = (int(request.vars.page) - 1) * int(request.vars.pagesize) stop = int(request.vars.page) * int(request.vars.pagesize) response.s3.filter = (db['%s_%s' % (module, resource)].id > 0).select(limitby=(start, stop)) }}} Unfortunately query doesn't include the .select() We already use request.vars.limit in the search.json method/representation. * we could use this & add a request.vars.page in shn_list() Maybe look at the currently-unused {{{modules/webgrid.py}}}. pagenav in {{{models\01_RESTlike_Controller}}} seems unused currently...was an older implementation of a webgrid...can probably be removed. ---- [wiki:Haiti]