Version 21 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Spreadsheet Importer
We have access to a lot of relatively unstructured data in Spreadsheets which we need to import into Sahana. Currently this is done via a laborious Data Entry process.
We really need to be able to do Bulk Imports.
Example Data sources:
- (Data Entry tab)
- The OCHA contacts list is a task we need to do regularly, so need to be able to handle duplicates effectively. We can influence them to standardise their format to make it easier.
CSV Import
Here is a process that works, although is a bit cumbersome, so we should look to automate as much as possible & improve:
- Get a spreadsheet of good Data together (e.g. using Google Docs)
- Save as CSV
- Export copies of the tables you wish to import to in CSV format, e.g.:
- /gis/location.csv
- /hms/hospital.csv
- Open in an Editor
- Text editor best if you can
- MS Excel destroys CSV files (MS-DOS mode export better)
- Google Docs destroys timestamps (if this data isn't critical, then can delete in ssheet & recreate afterwards)
- Open Office truncates Lats/Lons to 2 digits of precision
- Plan how you are going to deal with duplicates between these datasets.
- e.g. copy exported data into Spreadsheet & then clear table:
- e.g. copy exported data into Spreadsheet & then clear table:
- Plan the order of imports:
- Need to import referenced tables before those which refer to them, e.g.:
- pr_person, gis_location, or_organisation, or_office, or_contact
- Need to import referenced tables before those which refer to them, e.g.:
- Copy the data from the datasheet into the one with the column headers
- NB All column headers need to be present, named correctly, in the correct order
- No blank rows in the sheet
- Upload the 1st file to the server: /home/haiti/web2py
- Do a Test Import on Dev
- Check that data looks good
- Repeat on Prod:
vim /etc/crontab #0-59/1 * * * * www-data cd /home/haiti/web2py/ && python -C -D 1 >> /tmp/cron.output 2>&1 vim /home/haiti/prod/models/ migrate=True rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/prod-ssl /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload /home/haiti/update-prod /home/haiti/shell-prod db(>0).select().last().id db.gis_location.import_from_csv_file(open('hospital_locations.csv','rb')) rows = db(>0).select() for row in rows: if row.lon and and not row.wkt: db.gis_location[] = dict(wkt = 'POINT(%f %f)' % (row.lon, if not row.deleted: db.gis_location[] = dict(deleted = False) if not row.created_on: db.gis_location[] = dict(created_on = request.utcnow) if not row.modified_on: db.gis_location[] = dict(modified_on = request.utcnow) db.commit() Ctrl+D
- Set the initial ID in the 2nd import sheet to be the last+1 & then continue on
- Upload the 2nd sheet to the server:
/home/haiti/shell-prod db.hms_hospital.import_from_csv_file(open('hospitals_import.csv','rb')) rows = db(>0).select() for row in rows: if not row.deleted: db.hms_hospital[] = dict(deleted = False) if not row.created_on: db.hms_hospital[] = dict(created_on = request.utcnow) if not row.modified_on: db.hms_hospital[] = dict(modified_on = request.utcnow) db.commit() Ctrl+D ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/prod-ssl /etc/apache2/sites-enabled /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload vim /home/haiti/prod/models/ migrate=False vim /etc/crontab 0-59/1 * * * * www-data cd /home/haiti/web2py/ && python -C -D 1 >> /tmp/cron.output 2>&1
- Do data-de-duplication
- hook into the Model's validators
- Provide a Controller to allow web-based access at: /admin/import_data (The current implementation broke at some point)
- Use functions imported from a new
for the WKT-creation
Automation for Spreadsheet (csv) Imports
- Currently being implemented (as of 2010-01-24) in
- UserGuidelinesAdmin#ImportedunstructureddataviaanImportJob
- import_job functions in controllers/
Requirements (as per ToDo above)
- Allow admins to import data for a model via the Web interface
- Hook into the Model's validations
- Provide ability to de-duplicate (phase 2)
- Keep track of when and where data was imported from (maybe just for a few days to help with conflict resolution, etc).
- (done) Allow an admin to start an import 'Job' for a particular Model
- (done) Jobs are described by a free-form description field, and an uploaded .csv file.
- (done) Extract csv column names, store in job. Set job state to 'new'
- (done) Attempt to match csv column names to model column names
- (done) Present list to user
- (done) allow them to change csv column <-> model column mapping
- (done) Once user confirms column mappings, set job state to 'processing'
- (done) Background cronjob picks up all import jobs in state 'processing', for each data row:
- Parse into dictionary of {'db_column': value, ..} using column name mapping in Job record
- Validate data using SQLFORM accepts method with dbio=False (no database activity)
- Store row into ImportLine model:
- job_id
- line_no
- valid (true, false)
- status (ignore, import, imported)
- data (pickled dictionary from above)
- (done) Background job status set to 'processed'
- (done) Ajax keeps the job page updated with the background job status, until completed
- (done) Display table of rows and validation status to user, default status to ignore for rows that fail validation, import for ones that pass.
- Future enhancements will most likely occur at this step
- Allow user to edit/fix fields that failed validation and re-validate
- Present list of likely duplicate entries alongside each imported entry
- Future enhancements will most likely occur at this step
- (done) User can de-select any row to ignore it, ImportLine status set to 'ignore'
- (done) Once user has checked all rows, click 'Import', set job state to 'import'
- (done) Background cronjob picks up all import jobs in state 'import', for each ImportLine with status=import:
- Insert data via SQLFORM.accepts method (dbio defaults to True this time, put into DB)
- pass special onvalidation method to accepts, to covert lat, long to wkt as shown above.
- Update ImportLine status to imported.
- Insert data via SQLFORM.accepts method (dbio defaults to True this time, put into DB)
- (done) Background job status set to 'imported'
Google Spreadsheets API
- xlrd
- Example Code - not the cleanest
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