Changes between Version 59 and Version 60 of SysAdmin/ReleaseProcess

03/12/16 11:42:47 (9 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • SysAdmin/ReleaseProcess

    v59 v60  
    4242* If no development is planned (just backporting any critical bugfixes/minor tweaking) then it can be based off stable right away
    44 Once a Development branch moves into Production then it should move to being based off Stable (or could even start using vanilla stable releases as deployment branches should converge with that anyway).
     44Once a Development branch has moved into Production then it should move to being based off Stable once the requisite features have merged into stable (or could even start using vanilla stable releases as deployment branches should converge with that anyway).
    4646Branches based off Stable should have it's version appended to that of the Stable branch, so:
    56 If a production site has another Development phase (or is being developed continuously) then a new Development branch should be created for that, again starting from Trunk. This can be deployed to the Dev server.
    57 When ready to move that branch to production then it should be rebased off stable & then Test updated from there.
     56If a production site has another Development phase (or is being developed continuously) then a new Development branch should be created for that, again starting from Trunk. This can be deployed to the Dev server and then the test server when ready to move it into Production.
     57Again, after the move to production, then it should move to being based off Stable once the requisite features have merged into stable
    5858== Upgrade Scripts ==
    5959For every update that requires it, an Upgrade script will be added to: