== Release Process == When making a Stable Branch from which to build releases, we need to do these tasks: Check that all works with a released version of Web2Py Ensure included files sane: * README * VERSION (updated automatically by Bzr start-commit hook) * INSTALL * CHANGELOG === Compress JS & CSS files === Browsers default to only downloading 2 files from the same origin at a time, so many files is very slow on high latency links.[[BR]] We therefore consolidate into fewer, larger files when running in Production mode. Since GIS is a specialised app which requires many files, it's JS & CSS are loaded separately when required. The build script is {{{static/scripts/tools/build.sahana.py}}}[[BR]] There is also a convenience wrapper for Windows to run this & also move results into their respective locations: {{{static/scripts/tools/build.cmd}}} NB {{{sahana.css}}} is built from {{{template.css}}} so that [wiki:ConfigurationGuidelines#Themes Themes] can be updated dynamically from the WebUI Need to remove the '@' from '@requires' in header of {{{/static/S3/jquery.form.js}}} as we need to compress this without the main file. Our build process is based on the one used by !MapFish (which is built on the one used by !OpenLayers) * !MapFish (inc OL): https://trac.mapfish.org/trac/mapfish/wiki/HowToBuild * !OpenLayers: http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Profiles !ToDo: Investigate using other options instead: * http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/ * http://www.crowproductions.de/repos/main/public/packer/jspacker.py === Clear Database === To clear database of test data & reset to defaults: * Close Web2Py * Delete all files from {{{/databases}}} * Delete all files from {{{/errors}}} * Delete all files from {{{/sessions}}} NB This assumes that all required settings are being generated upon intialisation as per the [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesS3Framework#Settings Framework] === Export Application === * Clean: * Compile: * Pack all: * Save as: {{{web2py.app.sahana-0.x.w2p}}} === Upload to !LaunchPad === * Register a new release: https://launchpad.net/sahana-eden/trunk/+addrelease * Add download file === Update Wiki !InstallationGuide === * InstallationGuidelinesWindows * InstallationGuidelinesLinux * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesMacOSX InstallationGuidelinesMacOSX] === Update Demo === * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesWeb2PyUpdate Update Web2Py] (if necessary) * Start appadmin: /root/web2py_admin.sh * Configure SSH Tunnel: http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/143 * Access via SSH Tunnel: * Upload application: * Reboot VPS (free up resources for improved performance) === Ideas === OpenBSD Release Process is good for us to learn from: * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7pkyDUX5uM ---- DeveloperGuidelines