Version 6 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Taiwan Authorisation
Requirement about Access Control in Eden
By Hsiaojan Liu
- Briefing
- Access control is able to create and edit
- Read/write and read only should be separate for each role to each module.
- For registry users, default access is limited since registry is open to public.
- Each role is separate and independent. Each user is open to give multiple roles.
- There are 3 types of confidentiality level for map. Each level is an independent module for role setting.
- Special access control for “fulfill the request”
- Requirement – Create and edit role
- Admin users are able to create role
- Steps for role creation, all are required
- Click “create a role” button
- Name the role. Return error message for existing role name.
- Check the access for modules by checking the access level, see 2.3.3
- Role list & Steps for role edition
- Display as below
Role name / Modules | Org | Shelter | RMS | Hospital | Admin |
Camp Admin | R | R/W | R/W | R | - |
Camp Volunteer | R | R/W | R | - | - |
- Find the role by searching role name or browsing role list.
- Module access and read/write or read only is editable.
- Click the role name and link to the role editing page as below
Role name camp amdin Access control setting
Org | none | Read /write | Read only |
Shelter | none | Read /write | Read only |
RMS | none | Read /write | Read only |
Hospital | none | Read /write | Read only |
- Requirement – Read/write and read only
- When the read only is checked for a specific module for a role, the write button should be gray out
- For a user, read/write is able to rewrite read only from two roles for the same module.
- Example: If user C has been given role A and role b, user c is able to read and write for module A.
Role A | Module A – Read/write |
Module B – Read only | |
Role B | Module A – Read only |
Module B – Read only |
- Requirement – Role and users
- Admin users is default to read/write for all modules and are able to give roles to each user.
- User info edit page for each user
- Put “user profile” into Edit personal Details page by adding one more tab.
- Move the dropdown of login out and instead of the link of the user name to Edit personal Details page.
- Put “Logout” beside user name.
- Requirement – Access to Mapping special
- Three confidentiality level for map, basic map, advanced level, and top level
- Each level has different layers form Eden map and which will be set by coding.
- Each level is as a separate module in role creation process.
- Requirement – OpenID usage
- OpenID login is enable for both Agasti and Eden of SahanaTW. However, ACL of the account should be applied with openid login.
Attachments (1)
- Requirement about Access Control in Eden.doc (45.5 KB ) - added by 15 years ago.
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