Version 39 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Crisis Camp for Pakistan in TW
- Date/Time:Aug. 24th, 9am~18pm
- Location: Sinica, Taiwan
- Contact: @
Registered Participants
- 楊靖國 Keith Yang
- 紀博文 Powen Chi
- 蔡承翰 Nick Tsai
- 葉信源 Iap
- 李柏鋒 Pofeng Lee
Other Tasks
- Data Entry! PakistanDataEntry
Given Requirements
- Types of incident report -- assigned to marr, keith
- simple list - ticket #508
- Broken road
- Broken bridge
- Landslide
- Building collapsed
- People trapped
- Power failure
- BluePrintIncidentReporting
- simple list - ticket #508
- Search button for all modules with search function -- assigned to nick
{{{since the search box is generated INSIDE the datatables plugin, TW team has work arounds are that to have message to instruction usage which has been developed and longer the time of auto-matching activation which we have no idea how to develop. }}}
- This part of the page is generated by the DataTables plugin: Adding the button would require chaing the html after it is generated by this plugin.
- BluePrintIncidentReporting - the usability section.
The improvment will be applied to modules with search function, like: shelter, RMS, IRS, etc.
- Geo hirachical level and location selector which have almost been done for Pakistan, but polish needed. -- assigned to iap
- -- the requirement for TW
- ticket #487
- tools in controllers/
- Home Page
- Documents
- Assessments
- Photos
- Incidents
- Shelters
- Draft version, see PakistanDevelopers#Homepage
- Import Documents from Feeds
- BluePrintInventoryManagement - Work on distribution and distribution items
- Display Images - work on image thumbnames (to avoid downloading the entire image) + displaying them on the map.
- Open Tickets:
Attachments (1)
- search-button.png (40.3 KB ) - added by 15 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip
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