Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Team/PMC

02/10/11 18:16:46 (14 years ago)
Mark Prutsalis

deleted comments and added "at least" to six month requirement


  • Team/PMC

    v3 v4  
    3333== Becoming a PMC Member ==
    34 The PMC always wants to include more people who are willing to share responsibilities. Any community members are welcome to take on any of the responsibilities of the PMC. When the PMC sees community memebers consistently taking these responsibility If this is done consistently and over a long term (6 months), this community member will be invited to join the PMC.
    35 Mark: I don't think a 3-month sprint is sufficient.  I would define long-term as one year. So, for example, if someone joins Eden as a GSOC student and one year later is still contributing... then they have demonstrated a long-term commitment to the project and should be considered.  We've had plenty of people be contributors for 3-6 months even (outside of GSOC) and then disappear.[[BR]]
     34The PMC always wants to include more people who are willing to share responsibilities. Any community members are welcome to take on any of the responsibilities of the PMC. When the PMC sees community memebers consistently taking these responsibility If this is done consistently and over a long term (at least 6 months), this community member will be invited to join the PMC.
    37 Because we understand that people’s priorities change, but also value having an active and engaged PMC, if PMC members are not fulfilling their responsibilities then they will be asked to resign and re-join when they can fulfil their responsibilities.
     36Because we understand that people’s priorities change, but also value having an active and engaged PMC, if PMC members are not fulfilling their responsibilities then they will be asked to resign and re-join when they can fulfill their responsibilities.