Sahana Eden Team & Responsibilities
If you have any questions about any of these components, get in touch with the team member through [Chat IRC Chat] or the MailingList. Please avoid private or one-to-one communications as this means we can't share ideas and get input from the entire community.
Core Code
Component | Team Member | IRC Nick
Overall Project Lead | Fran Boon | flavour
Core - Framework | Fran Boon | flavour
S3XRC+REST+CRUD | Dominic König begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting | nursix
Synchronization | Dominic König | nursix
Security | |
GIS - Mapping | Fran Boon | flavour
MSG - Messaging/SMS | Praneeth Bodduluri | lifeeth
UI Functionality |
System Administration Tools | Pat Tressel | ptressel
ACL Permission Management | Dominic König | nursix
Testing |
Design & Usability |
Mobile Device Integration |
Component | Team Member | IRC Nick
ORG - Organization Registry | Michael Howden | michaelhowden
CR - Shelter Registry | Pat Tressel | ptressel
Vol - Volunteer Management | Pat Tressel | ptressel
Logs/Inventory/Supply - Logistics/Inventory/Supply Chain | Michael Howden | michaelhowden
IRS - Incident Reporting System | Fran Boon | flavour
Person Registry, Person Finder + DVI (="VITA") | Dominic König | nursix
HMS - Hospital Management System | Dominic König | nursix
Document Library | Michael Howden | michaelhowden
Project - Project Tracking | Michael Howden | michaelhowden
Assess - Assessments | Michael Howden | michaelhowden
Survey | Robby O'Connor | robbyoconnor
RMS - Request Management | Michael Howden | michaelhowden
Component | Team Member | IRC Nick
Demo Server | |
Test Server | |
Trac | |
Pootle | |
Component | Team Member | IRC Nick
Vietnamese | Truong Anh. Tuan |
Component | Team Member | IRC Nick
SahanaCamp | Michael Howden | michaelhowden