| 22 | UAT is a static version for testing before it gets uploaded to production. Please do the majority of your testing here |
| 23 | |
| 24 | 1. Select an area that you will test in TestCases and add your name to it. Pick a module that has not been covered by others. |
| 25 | 1. Test the UAT version http://haiti-test.sahanafoundation.org by exploring the various navigation options and actions in the module |
| 26 | 1. Add you initials to the respective test case in TestCases. If the action does not exist in the TestCases please add it as well. |
| 27 | 1. If you find a bug also check if this bug exists in the production version http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org |
| 28 | * if the bug exists in production mark the version of the bug as haiti-prod |
| 29 | * if the bug does not exist in production mark the version as haiti-uat |
| 30 | 1. Check if the bug already exists in the bug tracker by searching for tickets http://trac.sahanapy.org/search or looking at report #9 http://trac.sahanapy.org/report |
| 31 | 1. Use the template below to enter the new bug in trac: http://trac.sahanapy.org/newticket |