[wiki:Haiti] ---- == Data Migration == We want to be able to migrate data from Prod to Dev so that Testers / Documenters have real data to play with. Also want to be able to migrate from the current sqlite backend to [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesMySQL MySQL] === CSV === Beware DB locks! * Don't keep Web2Py shell open longer than necessary {{{ python web2py.py -S prod -M db.export_to_csv_file(open('db.csv','wb')) Ctrl+D }}} Remove reference Tables from CSV file (don't want to import duplicates!) {{{ python web2py.py -S dev -M db.import_from_csv_file(open('db.csv','rb')) db.commit() Ctrl+D }}} ==== Changing a Column type in Sqlite live ==== sqlite handles live migrations pretty well, however if there is existing data then a conversion from string to integer can cause problems. For a development system, the easiest solution is simply to remove all {{{databases/*}}} & restart, however this isn't possible for a live system: {{{ vim /home/haiti/prod/models/00_db.py migrate = True cd /home/haiti/prod bzr pull cd /home/haiti/web2py python web2py.py -S prod -M db(db.or_organisation.id > 0).select().export_to_csv_file(open('orgs.csv','wb')) db.or_organisation.drop() db.commit() Ctrl+D python web2py.py -S prod -M db.or_organisation.import_from_csv_file(open('orgs.csv','rb')) db.commit() Ctrl+D /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload vim /home/haiti/prod/models/00_db.py migrate = False }}} If the system is being heavily used, need to put up a holding page during this time to prevent data entry. For switching on maintenance. {{{ cd /home/haiti ./maintenance.on }}} For switching off maintenance. {{{ cd /home/haiti ./maintenance.off }}} === Web Services === Better to avoid locks & do without SSH login * Currently needs to be done resource by resource (JOINed tables can be done together as Components of main resource) * need to do referenced tables before the tables which refer to them * migrate the locations first (using the xml interface), you can later migrate the orgs and offices together (through Component JOIN) * http://localhost:8000/sahana/gis/location/create?format=xml&fetchurl=http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/gis/location.xml * http://localhost:8000/sahana/pr/person/create?format=xml&fetchurl=http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/pr/person.xml * http://localhost:8000/sahana/or/organisation/create?format=xml&fetchurl=http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/or/organisation.xml * http://localhost:8000/sahana/or/office/create?format=xml&fetchurl=http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/or/office.xml * http://localhost:8000/sahana/or/contact/create?format=xml&fetchurl=http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org/prod/or/contact.xml * BluePrintSynchronisation * Ideally we want to develop a way of having all tables loaded together into RAM, refs fixed-up & then imported to db together ---- [wiki:Haiti]