== Scheduler == Scheduled Tasks are run by a separate web2py process For Linux servers installed using our [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server InstallationGuidelines], this will be set to run via uwsgi ([wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server/CherokeePostgreSQL#BeforeImaging Cherokee]) or rc.local ([wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server/ApacheMySQL#AfterImaging Apache]) For Win32/Mac users, you need to start this manually in a CLI: {{{ cd web2py python web2py.py -K eden }}} !ToDo: Provide an enhancement to the end-user Win32 .exe to have this run automatically === Debugging === Can check the db.scheduler tables in appadmin: /eden/appadmin === See Also === * DeveloperGuidelines/Scheduler