| 265 | ==== WFS ==== |
| 266 | If you are displaying a complex dataset at zoomed-out resolutions, then you will want to have simplified views. |
| 267 | |
| 268 | e.g. Hospitals aren't shown at all at low zooms, are shown as Points at medium zooms & shown as Polygons at high zooms. |
| 269 | |
| 270 | Scale-dependent styling using SLD in !GeoServer: |
| 271 | * http://ian01.geog.psu.edu/geoserver_docs/data/naturalearth/naturalearth_physical.html |
| 272 | |
| 273 | Scale-dependent styling in !OpenLayers: |
| 274 | * http://docs.openlayers.org/library/feature_styling.html#custom-rules |
| 275 | |
| 276 | Simplifying Polygons in PostGIS: |
| 277 | * http://linfiniti.com/2011/06/scale-dependent-generalization-in-postgis-and-qgis/ |
| 278 | |
| 279 | Showing the different layers at different zooms using !GeoServer: |
| 280 | * http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/tutorials/feature-pregeneralized/feature-pregeneralized_tutorial.html |
| 281 | {{{ |
| 282 | cd |
| 283 | wget http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/project/geoserver/GeoServer%20Extensions/2.1.0/geoserver-2.1.0-feature-pregeneralized-plugin.zip |
| 284 | cd /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/ |
| 285 | unzip ~/geoserver-2.1.0-feature-pregeneralized-plugin.zip |
| 286 | /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart |
| 287 | }}} |
| 288 | |
| 289 | @ToDo: How to get Sahana's Map Viewing Client to request the different layers at different zoom levels? |