= The Situation Mapping User Guide = Visit the GIS Mapping homepage at === To Create a Location: === 1) Type in the '''Specific Name''' of the Location in the "Name" Field. 2) Select the Type of Feature that your Location is from the "Feature Class" drop-down menu (the feature class determines the Marker). 3) Select a Parent Location based on your '''Specific Location'''. 4) Select a Marker for the Map based on your Location. - NOTE: SELECTION OF A MARKER WILL OVER-RIDE THE FEATURE CLASS MARKER ON THE MAP 5) Select a Feature Type (Point, Line, or Polygon.) 6) Enter in either the Well-Known Text for Line and Polygon or Latitude and Longitude for Point (Lat. and Long. will be in decimal degrees.) * NB Latitude is North/South, Longitude is East/West. 7) Select "Save" [[BR]] ==== Conversion Tool Help ==== 1) Select the conversion tool 2) Select either the "in GPS Format" tab or the "in Deg Min Sec Format" tab and enter in information. * GPS Format is 18° 32' (That would be entered "18" deg "32" min) * Deg Min Sec Format is 18° 32' 10" (That would be entered DD "18" MM "32" SS "10") 3) Select "Calculate" 4) Last, Select "Fill in xxx" (Choose either Lat. or Long.) * NB Latitude is North/South, Longitude is East/West. 5) Repeat steps 1-4 again === To edit a Location: === 1) Find the Location your wanting to edit (Either by searching or sorting by the attribute.) 2) Click on the feature number. 3) Edit in the box above. 4) Select "Save" === Features, Feature Classes & Feature Groups === ==== Locations (Features) ==== * A Location (Feature) can be a point (Lat/Lon), Line or Polygon (WKT) * This can be referenced from other tables such as: * /pr/person/presence * If there is a marker assigned directly to a Feature then that is how the Feature will show up on the map. ==== Feature Classes ==== * A Feature Class is a collection of Features of the same type * Share a comon Marker (unless over-ridden at the Feature level) * If no marker defined then the system default marker is used * Can be grouped together into Feature Groups * Link to a common resource for URLs & extra fields to pull into Map popups ==== Feature Groups ==== * Feature Groups are used to provide Layers on the Map & Feeds for export/view by other systems * They are collections of Feature Classes * The default settings start with a Feature Group being created for each Feature Class === Symbology sets === * Symbology sets can be used to provide a set of Icons for Feature Classes based on deployment requirements, e.g. US FEMA === Feeds === * * (includes Field Hospitals too) * (includes Ports, Airports & Bridges)