
Version 11 (modified by runneals, 15 years ago) ( diff )


The Situation Mapping User Guide

This module is under contruction:

To Create a Location:

1) Type in the Specific Name of the Location in the "Name" Field.

2) Select the Type of Feature that your Location is from the "Feature Class" drop-down menu (the feature class determines the Marker).

3) Select a Parent Location based on your Specific Location.

4) Select a Marker for the Map based on your Location. - NOTE: SELECTION OF A MARKER WILL OVER-RIDE THE FEATURE CLASS MARKER ON THE MAP

5) Select a Feature Type (Point, Line, or Polygon.)

6) Enter in either the Well-Known Text for Line and Polygon or Latitude and Longitude for Point (Lat. and Long. will be in decimal degrees.)

7) Select "Save"

Conversion Tool Help

1) Select the conversion tool (If needed)

2) Select either the "in GPS Format" tab or the "in Deg Min Sec Format" tab

  • GPS Format is 18° 32' (That would be entered "18" deg "32" min)
  • Deg Min Sec Format is 18° 32' 10" (That would be entered DD "18" MM "32" SS "10")

To edit a Location:

If there is a marker attached to feature then it is used (over-rides all)
If not then it checks if there's a marker for it's feature_class
If so, it uses it
If not, then it falls back to the default marker
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.