= Importer = [[TOC]] == Spreadsheets == Data is normally imported from spreadsheets. Currently these need to be converted to CSV format, however there is now support for building .xls[x] templates to wrap around the CSV: * [wiki:BluePrint/Importer/Excel Excel Importer] Process: * Data needs putting into the correct columns * Fields should be wrapped with "" quotes to prevent issues * There should be no line-breaks in text fields (see attached cleanCSV.py for help with this) * Date formats need to be correct: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ISO8601] * If the file is very large, then it can be better to split into multiple files to avoid memory exhaustion (see attached splitCSV.py for help with this) This can be done to [DeveloperGuidelines/PrePopulate PrePopulate] an instance. After 1st run, there are menu links for many resources, but any REST controller can have the 'import' method invoked if there is a suitable .xsl file as {{{static/formats/s3csv/module/resource.xsl}}}: {{{ http://host.domain/module/resource/import }}} Files & Stylesheets can be loaded from alternate sources, such as: {{{ http://host.domain/eden/hrm/person.s3csv/create?fetchurl=http://my.host/HR.csv&transform=/home/web2py/applications/eden/static/formats/s3csv/hrm_import.xsl }}} Alternately these can be done using CLI scripts: * [wiki:S3/DataImportCLI DataImportCLI] == !OpenStreetMap == XSLT available to import Hospitals & Locations into Sahana Eden * [wiki:GIS/OpenStreetMap#Import] *\archives\gis-gps\data\americas\haiti\haiti_hospital.osm !ToDo: Provide a UI to select which levels the admin boundary levels correspond to: * Contribute/Code#OSMImporterUI == Ushahidi == XSLT available to import Ushahidi reports into Sahana Eden's Incident Reporting system * Access only available to Administrators: * URL to enter is http://instancename.crowdmap.com/api/%3Ftask=incidents%26by=all%26resp=xml == See Also == * BluePrint/Importer * [BluePrint/PrePopulate PrePopulate] * [wiki:S3/DataImportCLI DataImportCLI] * [wiki:S3XRC/S3XML/Transformation On-the-fly Transformation using external Stylesheets] * [UserGuidelines/Importer/Old Old User Guidelines] ---- UserGuidelines