= Android Client = Sahana uses the [http://code.google.com/p/opendatakit/wiki/ODKCollect ODK Collect] client, currently we require a modified version to be built: * [MobileAndroid Android Developer Guidelines] * ''precompiled binary coming soon'' Setup: * Configure it to point to your server: * Menu button * Server Configuration: http://my.domain/eden/xforms * A username and password are required for submitting completed forms. * Download Forms * If you are using the version with SMS capabilities, then if HTTP submission fails then the user is prompted as to whether they wish to submit via SMS (note this currently sends several SMS per form as the data is uncompressed). * Need to configure: * Enter the phone number for the server (e.g. using [UserGuidelinesMsg#Tropo Tropo]) * Optionally enter your carrier's SMS gateway number (If you leave the SMS gateway number blank, then the SMS API will try to use the phone's default SMS gateway.) ---- BluePrintMobileClient [MobileAndroid Android Developer Guidelines] UserGuidelines