= Getting started and operating SAFIRE = [[TOC]] * [wiki:BluePrint/SAFIRE Blueprint] - with the customer requirements, technical design and specifications. == Introduction == === Purpose === This document serves as a knowledge repository for users to refer "how to" content with carrying out the roles specific workflows: The document is present with the most frequently used features at the top and the others at the bottom of the page (e.g. installation and administration) == Workflows == 1. [wiki:UserGuidelines/SAFIRE#Loggingincidents Logging incidents] - a call center staff or an on-site reporter entering the initial set of information 1. [wiki:UserGuidelines/SAFIRE#Buildingtheactionplan Building the plan] - once scenario is selected, the action plan should auto populate indicating the task priority and required personnel and equipment 1. [wiki:UserGuidelines/SAFIRE#Dispatchingresources Dispatching response resources] - personnel and equipment are dispatch to assist in the incident; based on a priority for executing each task 1. [wiki:UserGuidelines/SAFIRE#Updatingincidents Updating incident] - new reports for a particular incident report can be informed by other callers or incident managers 1. [wiki:UserGuidelines/SAFIRE#Publishingreports Publishing reports] - situational reports with a summary of the incident and other management summary reports ==== Logging incidents ==== API: ''/eden/event/incident_report'' 1. Incident logging form is simple and quick to capture the necessary information 1. Depends on predefined data: a. incident type that your organization is implementing a. reporting date defaults to now a. status can be extended beyond open & closed [[Image(http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/UserGuidelines/SAFIRE/log_incident.png, width=720px)]] ==== Building the action plan ==== API: ''/eden/event/incident/X/plan'' (replace X with number) 1. Define the tasks 1. Assign resources a. people (skilled) a. equipment (assets & consumables) 1. Depends on predefine a. people (skills) a. equipment & assets a. scenarios & tasks [[Image(http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/UserGuidelines/SAFIRE/action_plan.png)]] ==== Dispatching resources ==== API: /eden/event/incident/X/plan (replace X with number) 1. assigning: a. personnel a. equipment 1. messaging first responders a. dispatch to incident to cover an action plan item a. request for information [[Image(http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/UserGuidelines/SAFIRE/dispatch_personnel.png, width=720px)]] ==== Updating incidents ==== ==== Publishing reports ==== ==== Managing users ==== API: /eden/admin/user 1. Create a user and assign roles [[Image(http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/raw-attachment/wiki/UserGuidelines/SAFIRE/user_management.png, width=720px)]] == APPENDIX == ==== Upload data with Spreadsheet ==== [wiki:SpreadsheetImporter Spreadsheet upload] - the system administrator may upload several data records at once. ==== Installing SAFIRE ==== * Follow the instructions for [wiki:InstallataionGuidelines/Linux/Server installing a Sahana Eden production server] (preferably on [wiki:InstallationGuidelines/Linux/Server/CherokeePostgreSQL Debian, Cherokee platform with PostGIS]) '''Installation script''' * in your terminal window run the configuration script (if with Debian, Cherokee, and PostGIS) * download the configuration script * run the script * when prompted for the template enter SHARE * proceed with the rest of the installation as you desire '''Manually''' * Edit '''modules/000_config.py''' change {{{ settings.base.template = "SAFIRE" }}} * Migrate the database by running the commands in a terminal window {{{ # see /usr/local/bin for clean script > sudo su > clean }}} 1. Start web2py and test the URL in browser {{{ }}} === Another === Publishing situational reports