6 | | [# How to CREATE an alert message?] The first step when an event of interest is declared as an event that should be notified. |
7 | | [# How to UPDATE an alert message?] Execute this step when an alert that was issued needs to be updates with the current status |
8 | | [# How to CANCEL an alert message"] Any alert that was issued erroneously must be followed by a message to cancel the previous message |
9 | | [# How to CLEAR an alert message?] Issue an ALL CLEAR after the authorities have declared to pose no threat any longer |
| 6 | * [# How to CREATE an alert message?] The first step when an event of interest is declared as an event that should be notified. |
| 7 | * [# How to UPDATE an alert message?] Execute this step when an alert that was issued needs to be updates with the current status |
| 8 | * [# How to CANCEL an alert message"] Any alert that was issued erroneously must be followed by a message to cancel the previous message |
| 9 | * [# How to CLEAR an alert message?] Issue an ALL CLEAR after the authorities have declared to pose no threat any longer |