Changes between Version 54 and Version 55 of UserGuidelines/SAMBRO/Publish

01/29/16 03:19:34 (9 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • UserGuidelines/SAMBRO/Publish

    v54 v55  
    1212=== Create a New Message ===
    1313||='''QUICK METHOD''' :: =||=Navigate to http://YOUR-DOMAIN/eden/cap/alert/create =||
    14 ==== Select Template and Edit the Alert Segment ====
     14==== Select Template and Edit the ALERT Segment ====
    1515[[Image(, align=right, width=480px)]]
    16161. With your web browser, navigate to the SAMBRO website hosted by your National or Local NDMO (e.g. SAMBRO demo hosted at
    18181. You will be presented with first page with the option to select a '''Template''' and then edit the '''Alert Qualifier''' elements.
    19191. Once you select the relevant template, from the drop down list at the top, all relevant alert qualifier elements will be populated. You will have very little to edit. '''IMPORTANT''' that the Status is changed from '''''Draft''''' to another value based on your intention: Exercise, Test, System, or Actual.
    20 1. Click the Save and Edit Information button at the bottom of the list, which will navigate you to edit the alert information segment
     201. Click the Save and Edit Information button at the bottom of the list, which will navigate you to edit the alert '''INFORMATION''' segment
     22==== Edit INFORMATION segment ====
    2323[[br]] ''''NB: If you see the pair of square bracket, then those are most probably created following [wiki:UserGuidelines/SAMBRO/Implement#CreateMessageTemplate this technique]. These are actually the place holders for the actual information. Now replace those placeholders with the actual information''''
    2424 ['''''Information''''', '''''Predefined Areas''''', '''''Area''''', '''''Resource Files'''''][[br]]Also if the template that you choose, has ''information'' associated with it, those are shown in the '''''Information''''' tab. || [[Image(]]