Changes between Version 167 and Version 168 of UserGuidelines/SAMBRO

10/09/19 00:38:15 (5 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • UserGuidelines/SAMBRO

    v167 v168  
    9999~~Steps for '''INSTALLING''' your SAMBRO instance
    100 1. ''[OPTIONAL]'' [ Branch] an instance of the Sahana Eden code to a new github repository of your own. This would allow you to manage your own customized implementation such as with changing the theme. Ohterwise, ignore this step and pull the code from the main github repository; explained in the subsequent step.
    101 1. Activate the [# script to automatically pull the latest version] of the code from your github repository.
    102 1. [ Install] the Sahana Eden software with web2py framework and other dependencies.
    103      a. Recommend that you [ install on a Linux server]
    104      a. Open your terminal and go to your web2py path, by default it will be saved on your home directory
    105         This is useful if you want to run the EDEN with in your organisation (network) without having the public IP (but remember you cannot access it outside, so recommend you get the public IP) (see for more detail)
    106  {{{
    107  cd ~web2py
    108  python -i your.ip.address -p port.number -a 'your password'
    109  }}}
    110      a. [# Setup the server with a Public IP] to be visible over the Internet
    111      a. [# Configure the installation] to send receive SMS, Email.
    112      a. [ Activate the SAMBRO template] by changing the default template. Follow
     100~~1. ''[OPTIONAL]'' [ Branch] an instance of the Sahana ~~Eden code to a new github repository of your own. This would allow you to manage your own customized implementation such as with changing the theme. Ohterwise, ignore this step and pull the code from the main github repository; explained in the subsequent step.
     101~~1. Activate the [# script to automatically pull the latest version] of the code from your github repository.
     102~~1. [ Install] the Sahana Eden software with web2py framework and other dependencies.
     103~~     a. Recommend that you [ install on a Linux server]
     104~~     a. Open your terminal and go to your web2py path, by default it will be saved on your home directory
     105~~        This is useful if you want to run the EDEN with in your organisation (network) without having the public IP (but remember you cannot access it outside, so recommend you get the public IP) (see for more detail)
     106~~ {{{
     107~~ cd ~web2py
     108~~ python -i your.ip.address -p port.number -a 'your password'
     109~~ }}}
     110~~     a. [# Setup the server with a Public IP] to be visible over the Internet
     111~~     a. [# Configure the installation] to send receive SMS, Email.
     112~~     a. [ Activate the SAMBRO template] by changing the default ~~template. Follow
    114 Steps for CUSTOMIZING your SAMBRO instance
    115 1. [ Customize relevant settings] to configure the instance to the Implementer's liking
    116 1. [ Customize] the CAP Broker for the implementation context (e.g Admin contact details, banner or logo changes
    117 1. [ Basic Administration] tasks for activating an instance for the users
    118 1. [# Testing the installation] to ensure all SAMBRO specific features are functional
    119 1. The Email Generating Function is called ''get_html_email_content'' and is available [ here]
    120 1. The SMS Generating function is called ''get_sms_content'' and is available [ here]
    121 1. The email heading generating function is called ''get_email_subject'' and is available in /templates/SAMBRO/ at [ here]~~
     114~~Steps for CUSTOMIZING your SAMBRO instance
     115~~1. [ Customize relevant settings] to configure the instance to the Implementer's liking
     116~~1. [ Customize] the CAP Broker for the implementation context (e.g Admin contact details, banner or logo changes
     117~~1. [ Basic Administration] tasks for activating an instance for the users
     118~~1. [# Testing the installation] to ensure all SAMBRO specific features are functional
     119~~1. The Email Generating Function is called ''get_html_email_content'' and is available [ here]
     120~~1. The SMS Generating function is called ''get_sms_content'' and is available [ here]
     121~~1. The email heading generating function is called ''get_email_subject'' and is available in /templates/SAMBRO/ at [ here]~~
    122122== System Menu ==