= The Sahana Eden User and Administration Guide = The Sahana Eden User & Administration guide is meant to serve as a starting point for all documentation regarding usage and deployment. The guide is a free document, a collaborative effort, and a part of the Sahana Eden Project itself. === User Guides === * [UserGuidelinesDelphi Delphi Decision Making] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesDVI Disaster Victim Identification] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesGIS Mapping] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesHMS Hospital Management System] * [UserGuidelinesLocalisation Localisation] * [UserGuidelinesLogistics Logistics] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesMsg Messaging] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesMobile Mobile] * [UserGuidelinesOrganisationRegistry Organisation Registry] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesREST RESTful services] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesRMS Request Management System] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesVol Volunteer Management System] === Administrator Guides === * [UserGuidelinesInstall Installation] * [UserGuidelinesUpgrade Upgrades] * [UserGuidelinesMigration Migration] * [UserGuidelinesAdmin Administration] * [UserGuidelinesPermissions Access Control & Permissions] * [UserGuidelinesSynchronisation Synchronisation] * [UserGuidelinesBackUp BackUp] * TroubleShooting == Support and Other Sources of Information == If you are looking for a good place to ask a question about Sahana Eden, suggest trying [http://sahanafoundation.org/chat IRC] or the MailingList. It provides a friendly environment to discuss openly among Sahana users and developers. If you encounter problems, then you can [BugReportingGuidelines report a Bug]. Finally, developer documentation can be found in DeveloperGuidelines and its sub-pages.