= User Guidelines - Localisation - Pootle = Here shows an example how Taiwan team uses [http://pootle.sahanafoundation.org/ Sahana Pootle Server] in the language translation process. In the following example, zh-tw.py is used, but the main idea should apply to other teams. Roughly there are two roles: 1. Translator who focuses on term translation and polishing, not necessary to know how .py files work. 2. Administrator who converts updated .po to .py, and makes it works in eden/languages directory. If you are an Administrator, be sure to see the useful UserGuidelinesLocalisation before using Pootle or other translation tools. == As a Translator, How to Translate Terms on Pootle == 1. Say, we want to translate a term "Required Field", use search form to find it. [[Image(search-term.png)]] 2. Put the translation in the field below the term. You can submit the translation, or assign it as a suggestion. [[Image(chinese-term.png)]] 3. If there are other terms matching "Required Field", they will be shown afterward. == As an Administrator, How to Apply New PO into Eden == 1. Go to "Translate" tab. 2. You can download via "ZIP of directory". A file name like "eden-zh_TW.zip" will be saved. Unzip the file will give you zh-tw.py. [[Image(download.png)]] 3. Run "po2web2py -i zh-tw.po -o zh-tw.py" to generate the needed language file. 4. Place the generated zh-tw.py in the eden/languages directory, and see if everything goes as expected. == As an Administrator, How to Apply New PO into Pootle == A common case is that you have a new zh-tw.py in languages directory, and want to upload it to pootle. This zh-tw.py file can turn into zh-tw.po running "web2py2po -i zh-tw.py -o zh-tw.po". marr's note: in my experience, with the above generated zh-tw.po file, you might see all msgstr filled with strings automatically, and uploading such file to pootle will mislead the statistics. 1. Go to "Translate" tab. 2. Choose the .po file to upload. Say, you can "Overwrite the current file if it exists". 3. If choosing "Add all new translations as suggestions", or, there are suggestions for a term, you can decide "Accept" or "Reject" them.