= S3UI Framework = S3XRC being a powerful backend that serves XML and JSON in a RESTful manner has now got a front-end framework that can exploit its positives. S3UI - the new ExtJS based front-end help us not only utilize S3XRC but also save a lot of bandwidth by exchanging information in JSON instead of full page reloads. This in turn aims to create an easy and quick workflow for different tasks that a user does with Sahana Eden. == Current State == * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/foundation:gsoc_mishra GSoC project] - not yet merged with Trunk === Outline === * S3UI Framework allows end users to speed up their workflow by providing widgets that work on S3XRC. * Right now it has 3 major elements - * Grid View widget * Popup Forms * Rheader tabs * In place edits and creation are possible now. * S3UI framework communicates to backend in JSON through ExtJS === Usage === [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfuVh4y7Yco Video Tour of Features] == See Also == * BluePrint S3UI ---- UserGuidelines