2 | | The page is an inventory of [[http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki | Sahana-Eden]] videos, ranging from installing Sahana-Eden with various operating systems, to running it and creating new applications. Use the the convention to in this site to add new Sahana-Eden videos in the designated section: demo, tutorial, channel, live. Include the link, a short summary, the name of the video producer (or person who uploaded it), and release date (or upload date). |
| 2 | The page is an inventory of [[http://vimeo.com/32816908 | Sahana-Eden]] videos, ranging from [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT8qvhs-_VY | installing Sahana-Eden]] with various operating systems, to running it and creating new applications. Use the the convention in this site to add new Sahana-Eden videos in the designated section: demo, tutorial, channel, live. Include the link, a short summary, the name of the video producer (or person who uploaded it), and release date (or upload date). |