== Introduction == The page is an inventory of [[http://vimeo.com/32816908 | Sahana-Eden]] videos, ranging from [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT8qvhs-_VY | installing Sahana-Eden]] with various operating systems, to running it and creating new applications. Use the the convention in this site to add new Sahana-Eden videos in the designated section: demo, tutorial, channel, live. Include the link, a short summary, the name of the video producer (or person who uploaded it), and release date (or upload date). The objective of this page is to assist you with getting acquainted with Sahana-Eden, with easy graphical explanations. It should help you get the necessary components up and running with ease, and also for you to become an experienced user. The videos should help you with a particular Sahana-Eden objective you wish to attain. These videos are, typically, hosted on YouTube and Vimeo repository and then linked through this page. If one of your videos is on here, and only your alias is listed not your real name, you can edit the page and replace your alias with your real name. == Some Assumptions == Some videos are produced assuming that you have already installed web2py; some are not; some presuming eden is already installed and that you already know the basics. There will be a caption below each video, a short summery of what it covers, as well as author info and requirements. == Videos == === Introductions === [http://vimeo.com/34764957 What is Sahana Eden?] Brian Grohe '' 9 January 2012''[[BR]] A brief description of what Sahana-Eden actually is, and it's origins. Also an overview of the Sahana-Eden site, and various resources. Also See: http://vimeo.com/32816908 by Marto Atanasov ''30 November 2011''[[BR]] === Demos === [http://vimeo.com/27979117 OCR integration] [[BR]] Shiv Deepak ''August 2011'' [[BR]] Shiv did well on his project for OCR integration into Sahana-Eden. Here we can see videos of his progress, as well as the final review. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7vvpjVQTp4&feature=player_detailpage S3UI framwork] [[BR]] Abhishek Misra ''19 Augest 2010'' [[BR]] A demo on the S3UI framework, showing a new widget to visualize table data differently. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epEVZ0Di1SE Save Search & Subscription] [[BR]] 'Xenon2409' ''11 July 2011'' [[BR]] A nice, simple descriptive video of a Save Search and Subscription feature. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTkfDz5DBeg&feature=related Web setup with Eden] [[BR]] 'Anubhavagg929' ''13 July 2011'' [[BR]] This is a short demo about choosing which local instance of Eden to run, if you have multiples. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV4EuwSTCUQ Resource Mapping System] [[BR]] 'ResourceMappingSys' ''15 November 2011'' [[BR]] This is a demo of a real company who use Sahana-Eden for their work. === Tutorials === [http://vimeo.com/33239233 Installing Sahana-Eden] [[BR]] 'Dooma' ''6 December 2011'' [[BR]] Windows tutorial. A well made video tutorial documenting the installation process of Sahana-Eden. Made by 'Dooma'. Uploaded 6 December 2011. [http://vimeo.com/27039950 Climate Data Portal] [[BR]] Michael Amy ''July 2011'' [[BR]] Using Sahana-Eden's Climate Data Portal. An extremely clear tutorial on how to use the Climate Data Portal. [http://vimeo.com/33551133 Installing a Developer instance] [[BR]] 'Dooma' ''12 December 2011'' [[BR]] Installing a developer's instance of Sahana-Eden. (Windows). Again, well made tutorial by 'Dooma'. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gT8qvhs-_VY Installing Sahana-Eden] [[BR]] 'Ounziw' ''25 July 2010'' [[BR]] Another installation tutorial, this time for Linux (specifically, Ubuntu). This tutorial is not so good as the above ones, with no sound, and low quality; you have to watch it full screen to be able to follow at all. It also assumes web2py is already installed. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOFy-xG4Exk Spreadsheets] [[BR]] 'Highfiver81' ''15 August 2010'' [[BR]] A useful tutorial about spread sheets in Sahana-Eden. Unfortunately no sound, but useful non the less. === Channels === [http://vimeo.com/user5130571 Michael Howden] [[BR]] Michael Howden [[BR]] This is not a single video, as much as a collection of videos by the great Michael Howden Sahana-Eden developer himself! In his vimeo channel he has videos covering a wide range of topics for Sahana-Eden, including Donation management, Volunteer management, Widgets creation, inventory mangement, and more! {{{#!comment Note to Editors: Michael, if you ever upload anything other than videos about sahana, perhaps you should edit this description? -Jacob }}} [http://vimeo.com/tag:sahana Vimeo tag search: Sahana] [[BR]] Not really a channel, but the entire taglist for "sahana" on vimeo. Although some videos are not to do with Sahana-Eden. There are also many videos in different languages here. === SahanaCamps === [http://vimeo.com/16470509 Disaster Simulation] [[BR]] Michael Howden ''November 2010'' [[BR]] An intuitive simulation from Sahana-Camp 2010 about how Sahana-Eden can be used in a real disaster scenario.