= What is Sahana Eden? = * Sahana Eden is an Open Source Humanitarian Platform which can be used to provide solutions for Disaster Management, Development, and Environmental Management sectors. * Open Source means that it is easily Customisable, Extensible and Free. * It is supported by the [http://sahanafoundation.org Sahana Software Foundation]. * Try it now on our [http://demo.eden.sahanafoundation.org Demo Site] * [http://www.slideshare.net/SahanaFOSS/sahana-brief-long-version-may-2010 Project Brief] Where has Sahana been used? * [wiki:Deployments] Case Studies: * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/ictd-case_study-2-sahana.pdf ICT for Disaster Risk Reduction 2, Asian Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communications Technology for Development - 2010] * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/unescap-tech-paper-2009.pdf UNESCAP Technical Paper - 2009] * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/hfoss_acm_august_2009.pdf Communications of the ACM - 2009] * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/disaster-resource-guide-2008.pdf Disaster Resource Guide Quarterly - 2008] * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/apdip-case-study-2007.pdf Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme - 2007] * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/undp-iosn-casestudy-sahana-final-1.pdf UNDP IOSN Case Study - 2006] The following are some of the available modules: * '''Requests Management''' - Tracks requests for items and assistance and matches them against sources. * '''Inventory Management''' – Receive, Send and Manage Items in Inventories * '''Volunteer Management''' - Manage volunteers by capturing their skills, availability and allocation. * '''Missing Persons Registry''' - Report and Search for Missing Persons. * '''Disaster Victim Identification'''. * '''Shelter Registry''' - Tracks the location, distribution, capacity and breakdown of victims in Shelters. * '''Hospital Management System''' - Hospitals can share information on resources & needs. * '''Organization Registry''' - "Who is doing What & Where". Allows relief agencies to coordinate their activities. * '''Decision Support 2.0''' - Virtual support of posting problems, discussing ideas, voting on solutions resulting in a ranked list. * '''Mapping''' - Situation Awareness & Geospatial Analysis. * '''Messaging''' - Sends & Receives Alerts via Email & SMS. * '''Document Library''' - A library of digital resources, such as Photos & Office documents. Sahana Eden is a project of the [FrequentlyAskedQuestionsGovernance Sahana Software Foundation] * [wiki:Use Want to Use Sahana Eden?] * [wiki:Contribute Want to Contribute to Sahana Eden?]