== Bug Reporting Guidelines == '''Testing Site:''' http://frp-test.sahanafoundation.org/ User roles that you can use to login * Admin: frp@sahanafoundation.org * IP User: IP_User@sahanafoundation.org * IP Admin: IP_Admin@sahanafoundation.org * FAC user: FAC_User@sahanafoundation.org * FAC admin: FAC_Admin@sahanafoundation.org * Translators: Translator@sahanafoundation.org Common Password: haiti '''Steps to Report a Bug''' 1. Search the FRP bug report to see if this bug has already been reported (does not have to be a exhaustive search, but a simple skim). Check report http://trac.sahanapy.org/report/14 1. If not click on New Ticket or goto URL http://trac.sahanapy.org/newticket 1. Describe the bug using the template and guidelines below and ideally add a screenshot * Leave '''Milestone''' blank * Mark the '''version''' as ''frp-prod'' if it is a bug in the production site or ''frp-test'' if it is a bug on the testing site * Use the appropriate module name '''frs, admin, mapping, organization, UI''' * Use '''Bug Priority''' scale below and Description template below * At the '''Requirement Number''' of the URD if it is relevant * To attach a '''screenshot''' click on '''I have files to attach to this ticket''' and upload the file after submitting the first form (a picture is worth a thousand words to explain the issue !) * If you want to reference the revision number of the version you are testing you can find it at http://frp-test.sahanafoundation.org/frp/default/about - e.g. rel-frp-beta-582 (2010-02-08 11:50:02) '''Bug Priorities''' (a scale for FRP specifically) * Critical - big functionality, stability and data integrity defects * Major - Functionality defects, mis-expectations on key requirements * Minor - UI, Style, Usability defects * Trivial - Minor alignment issues, nice to have '''Description Template''': {{{ System Tested: frp-UAT/frp-Prod Release Version (optional): Sahana rel-frp-beta-582 (you can find it on the following link http://frp-test.sahanafoundation.org/frp/default/about ) Requirement Number (optional): (if it is relevant) 102 Browser: Firefox 3.5 Windows XP Prerequisites: User should be logged in to the system. Steps: 1) Click ‘Mapping’. 2) Click ‘Map Service Catalogue’. 3) Click ‘Features’. 4) Click on an ID in the Location list. (The 'Edit location' page will appear.) 6) Remove the value in the 'Latitude' field. (This step is optional) 5) Click on 'Conversion Tool' link. Expected Result: The Converter should appear. Actual Result: Clicking the link results nothing. Converter doesn't appear. }}}