
Version 14 (modified by Fran Boon, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Branch Demo Setup Guidelines

e.g. for GSoC students

Install Sahana locally according to InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper

You should register your code branch on Launchpad:

You can make a live demo of your code available publically (e.g. to share with your mentors) by using the space set aside for you on

Login to the server via SSH using your assigned user names and passwords.

Install Web2Py & your Sahana branch (using InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper as a guide)

New (WSGI)

An Apache virtual server has been created which points your sites at /home/<username>/web2py/applications/eden

The WSGI daemon runs under your ID so has the same permissions as you do so there shouldn't be any conflicts.

If you need to restart Apache (in order to see changes to a Module - either in Web2Py or Eden) then you have sudo rights to do this:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

If you need to access Tickets through Web UI, then configure the Ticket Viewer:

Old (Proxy)

After logging in you will need to spawn web2py according to the ports assigned to you:

python -p 800x

For running the web2py instance in the background you can execute:

screen python -p 800x

To detach from the screen:

ctrl+a d

To reconnect to the screen to kill the instance (e.g. to restart after editing a module):

screen -r 

To connect to the admin panel of the web2py using an ssh tunnel refer to:

NB Replace '8000' with the port assigned to you.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.