Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of ucore

05/13/10 20:15:11 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • ucore

    v2 v3  
    22= S3 !UltraCore =
    4 S3 !UltraCore (ucore) is a special branch of the S3 project:
     4S3 !UltraCore (ucore) is a special branch of the Eden project:
    6   - []
     6  - []
    88The S3 !UltraCore series contains the pure essentials of S3. It is meant to be truly fast, clean and minimalistic - and the most rigorously tested and quality-approved S3 branch: a rock-solid foundation for the development of S3-based applications.
    2626Any piece of code that shall be proposed for ucore must:
    27   a) be core (meaning, relevant for all S3-based applications)
    28   b) be in trunk
    29   c) have a complete developer documentation (including blueprint)
    30   d) have a maintainer (or a maintainer team)
     27  a. be core (meaning, relevant for all S3-based applications)
     28  b. be in trunk
     29  c. have a complete developer documentation (including blueprint)
     30  d. have a maintainer (or a maintainer team)
    3232The maintainers can submit an informal proposal to the !SahanaPy developer's mailing list to take up their code into ucore.
    3636A piece of code can be accepted for ucore, if:
    37   a) it works perfectly with the existing ucore code
    38   b) there are no open bugs related to that code in trunk
    39   c) there are no workarounds or temporary solutions in that code
    40   d) the code has sucessfully passed some destructive testing (yet to be  defined), and at best stood a real-world deployment
    41   e) the code follows strictly all coding conventions (yet to be defined)
     37  a. it works perfectly with the existing ucore code
     38  b. there are no open bugs related to that code in trunk
     39  c. there are no workarounds or temporary solutions in that code
     40  d. the code has sucessfully passed some destructive testing (yet to be  defined), and at best stood a real-world deployment
     41  e. the code follows strictly all coding conventions (yet to be defined)
    43 If code gets accepted for ucore, then that does not mean that all updates of that code will automatically be accepted as well - any update version of the
    44 code has to pass the whole procedure again.
     43If code gets accepted for ucore, then that does not mean that all updates of that code will automatically be accepted as well - any update version of the code has to pass the whole procedure again.