
BluePrint: Myanmar Specifications

Current SAMBRO Installation at DMH

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This is a SAMBRO specific deployment. SAMBRO is customized for the Myanmar context. The Department Meterorology and Hydrology (DMH) of the Ministry of Transport is leading the implementation in Myanmar. DMH is the authority for Meteorological, Hydrological, and Seismological event detection and warning. DMH will work with other agencies, listed in the table below, to facilitate the implementation of a Multi-Agency Situational-Awareness platform for improving their institutional responsiveness to coastal-hazards.


The stakeholders listed will be involved in the implementation.

Organization Subscriber Publisher Administrator Roles and Responsibilities
Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) X X * Monitor/detect and issues warnings on tropical cyclones, storm surges, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis
* Warnings are issued to the public through TV and Radio and alerts are shared with RRD
Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD) X X X * Receive warnings from DMH
* Responsible for using the administrative network down to the village (actual name???) to relay the warnings to the households
Ministry of Health (MOH) X X
Myanmar Red Cross Society X
Department of Agriculture X X
Department of Irrigation X X
General Administration Department X X X
Fire Service Department X X X
Myanmar Port Authority X X
Myanmar Port and Telecommunication X X
Fishing Department X X X

Implementation benefits and expect outcomes

  • Google Crisis Response hosted Google Alert Hub will be able to receive public alerts from Myanmar to disseminate through the Google products.

User Stories

Department of Meteorology and Hydrology


  • DMH Seismology Division issue warning and bulletins
    • warning are issued for probable tsunami events
    • bulletins for earthquake news;
  • Detection and monitoring is through:
    • DMH local network
    • USGS and other regional centers.
  • Tsunami warning are sent to Navy, Coast Guard, and 40 other Ministries and Departments
  • Technologies used for dissemination: FAX, telephone (voice), SMS, and SSB
  • No public warning system for sudden onset (Less than 30 minutes) tsunami's originating from the Andaman Sea. Currently awareness programs have trained people to react if they feel the earthquake and hear the sea roar;
    • possible solution is using Cell Broadcast CB for public with a mobile application that can be activated using a CB signal


  • River forecasting - Hydrology Stations currently manually monitor the water level rise and inform DMH head Office in Nay Pyi Taw
  • Currently issue flood warning and daily bulletins
    • warnings are significant water level bulletin
    • daily bulletins of the river water level
  • Causes for water level rise:
    • Rains in the Northern parts of Myanmar
      • especially rains in northern Ariyawadi area affect downstream Ariyawadi delta
      • water can rise 12 feet in 16 hours (significant water level rise)
    • Glacier melting
  • Alerts must be issued to low lying farmers (agriculture areas) with significant water level rise alerts
  • Alerts are disseminated to
    • To Disaster Management Committee; President Office ... 40 departments
    • FAX, PSTN, SSB; MRTV FM Radio (commercial radio)


  • Issue warning on:
    • strong wind warning,
    • tropical cyclone
    • heavy rain warning
    • untimely warning (usually rains are in May/June but abnormal situations with heavy rains in April)
    • bulletins (any meteorological activity originating in the Bay of Bengal
      • daily bulletins
      • Ten (10) day
      • Monthly (1 month)
      • Quarterly (3 month)
      • Semiannual (6 month)
  • DMH refers to other regional Meteorological Dept. websites (e.g. Thai, Korean, Japanese Met Departments)
  • Collect the data based on past situations and forecast present situation;
  • Any event of interest is discussed with DMH Officers to make a decision on to issue warning or not
  • Alerts are disseminated
    • through FAX, phone, website, facebook, SSB;
    • sent to RRD, President Office; Ministry of Defense; Min of Health, NEOC; MRTV; FM Radio (commercial radio)...around 40 departments

Public Health

  • There is not current method for issuing public health alerts
  • Issue Immunization reminders 2 days before the National Immunization day and national sub immunizations days to remind the public
    • Poliio immunization during hot season rainy season
    • Inform public of vulnerabilities and what actions to take during this El Ninio
  • Use following channels to get the word out:
    • Ministry of Information
    • Myanmar Radio and Television
    • Commercial FM Radio
    • Ministry of Health Central Epidemiology Unit public by Facebook
    • Call using mobile phones
  • There is a emergency team only for public health emergency cases
    • Hospitals have SOPs to respond to emergencies
  • Cities has ambulance
  • Hospitals cooperate with NGOs on responding to emergencies

Relief and Rehabilitation

  • The emergency Operation Center of RRD receive warning from DMH
  • They relay warnings to the effecting villages using Single Side Band (SSB) VHF radios (effeictive only JICA support project area: Arywadi region and Rakhain State)

Myanmar Ports Authority

  • Receive warnings from DMH through email, SMS, VHF
  • Relay the warnings to:
    • Department of Inland Water Transport
    • Commercial shipping companies
    • Navy

Department of Irrigation

  • Receive alerts from DMH
  • if there is some problem with the damn due to heavy rains, announce through
    • MRTV, GAD, Radio FM, News Paper.
  • No plans to warn people of sudden damn break (20 years back Manadaly city Wundwin Damn break)
  • If river bank is about to give then they inform the GAD and then GAD informs the people;
  • re-embankment notifications are issued to engineers

Department of Fisheries

  • Receive warnings from MOH, DMH, RRD
  • After receiving alert from DMH they have 23 stations along the coast
  • Fishing Department sends the warning by FAX and Phone to the 23 stations
  • Use VHF to communicate with large Fishing Boats

Myanmar Post and Telecommunications

  • Ministry of Information uses the MPT broker system to deliver SMS messages
  • during a disaster MPT supports free SMS

Department of Agriculture

Myanmar Red Cross

  • MRC EOC operates under the Disaster Management Department of MRC Society.
  • Receive warnings from DMH and then MRC EOC relays the message to respective townships
  • They use FAX, Phone, Viber
  • MRC participate emergency coordination with Ministry of Home and RRD
  • Every township has MRC emergency response team member (there are over 300 townships);
  • MRC Communication Department is integrating the mobile app to receive CAP messages

TV and Radio


  • Might want to have the Public page use Markers not Polygons?
  • What NEWS FEEDS do you want to see in the Home page?


Standard Terminology and Formats

Standard terminology, conventions, and data that are specific to the warning priorities, predefined alert areas, message template, and attributes

Define Data Dictionary

Checklist to DEFINE the respective implementation specific components

Alerting Auth Event Types Warning Prior Templates Subscribers Admin Cont. Subs
DMH-Earthquake Earthquake EQ_Slight
DMH-Tsunami Tsunami Tsunami Warning
Tsunami Alert
DMH-Flood Flood Flood Bulletin
Minimum Warning WL[br]]Warning
Flood Warning
FD Fire Urban Fire (High)
DOA Agriculture Pesticide Problem
DOH Epidemic Moderate Infectious Disease
Severe Infectious Disease
Public Health Health Information
MPT Infrastructure May not access telecoms services

Training and Testing

Checklist TRAINING and run SILTEN-TESTS with Organizations

Alerting Auth Train Users Internal Tests Work Flows Tests

Assigned CAP OIDs

CAP OID values defined in the table below indicate the OID for a country-message from the organization (and not the OID for the alerting authority; i.e. 4th digit is '1')
Select Myanmar to see current list of alerting authorities

Organization Parent Organization Country Message OID
Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH)
DMH-Cyclone DMH
DMH-Earthquake DMH
DMH-Tsunami DMH
Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD)
RRD-Yangoon RRD
RRD-Mandalay RRD
RRD-Yangoon-North RRD-Yangoon
RRD-Yangoon-East RRD-Yangoon
RRD-Yangoon-West RRD-Yangoon
RRD-Yangoon-South RRD-Yangoon
Ministry of Health (MOH)
Department of Public Health MOH
Department of Immunization MOH
Department of Agriculture (DOA
Department of Irrigation (DOI)
Fire Service Department (FSD)
Myanmar Port Authority MPA)
Myanmar Post and Telecommunication (MPT)
Department of Fisheries (DOF)
Department of Fisheries (DOF)
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 01/04/17 03:33:14
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