Version 29 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
BluePrint: Augmented Reality
Table of Contents
Develop a software that uses a smartphone or tablet’s camera to display incident reports of disasters the location and the distance the user is from the disaster using information overlay. May eventually be developed into use with google glass.
User Stories
As as dispatch manager I want to be able to send locations and information to other responders.
As a emergency responder I want to be able to see how far away I am from the incident.
As a user I want to be able to upload new incidents.
As a user I want the application to work with mobile data and wireless services.
As a police officer I want the software to provide a map to the incident location.
The product must have a local database with:
- Pre-stored incident reports.
- Camera preview with information overlay.
- Multiple updating strategies for different connections such as wireless and mobile data.
- A radar view which shows points of interest are the current location along with distance from location and if assistance is in route.
- Simple instructions.
- The ability for the use to report new incidents.
Planned Implementation
Integrate the software to work with:
- Computers
- Phones
- Tablets and Ipads
Future Extensions
Google Glass
Outstanding Questions
<Questions about the features or design that haven't been (and need to be) answered>