
Version 44 (modified by Fran Boon, 5 years ago) ( diff )


Disease Template BluePrint

Use Cases

  • Logistics support for distribution of PPEs, etc
  • Tracking the status of an organisation's own staff/volunteers
  • Government-sanctioned/coordinated tracking of cases for a jurisdiction (e.g. National/State level)
  • Amateur usage for reporting on aggregated cases from public sources (although there are a lot of other places doing this currently & so I don't see this as a gap we should be aiming to fill...unlike for Ebola where those alternatives weren't available)

Note: we are not intending to use this for amateur crowd-sourced efforts which create islands of data.

Tracking general public cases (as opposed to organisations' internal staff/volunteers should be done in coordination with official government bodies.

Tracking Solution using QR Codes

Government sanctioned and coordinated -- the problem this use-case is trying to solve is to provide a solution for tracking who in what place (or vessel) and at what times over a certain time frame (e.g. past 14 days) to then identify who else was in the same places (or vessel) and where have they of them been.

Facility or Vessel want to display the QR codes
Facilities can be restaurants, markets, schools, hospitals, retails outlets, offices
Vessels can be public transport (busses, ferries, and taxis)

  1. The owner registers in the system (facility name, address, Lat/Lon coordinates, company registration, and contact details)
  2. Downloads and prints the three types of QR codes: (A) Entrance, (B) Exit, and (C) Mobile APP URL;
  3. Then pastes the (A) Entrance and (C) Mobile APP QR codes at the entrance and the (B) Exit QR code at the exit of the facility or vessel.

The client must scan the codes to enter the facility or vessel

  1. NO Smartphone Client -- they are asked to present identification and contact number, which is written on paper and then later entered into the system by the facility or vessel owner
  2. With Smartphone Client --
    1. Doesn't have the Mobile APP; hence, scans the (C) Mobile APP QR code to receive the URL (or enter URL in browser), then download the APP, and installs the APP.
    2. The client registers themselves with a name, contact details, and an identification (maybe a photo of ID Card or Passport).
    3. The client opens the QR code reader to read (A) Entrance QR code -- the record is submitted along with the Facility / Vessel ID, Client ID, Time, and State = hasEntered
    4. Client receives a confirmation to show to the gate keeper to allow them in to the facility / vessel
    5. The client spends several minutes and before exiting, opens the APP and QR scanner to scan the (B) Exit -- the record is submitted along with the Facility / Vessel ID, Client ID, Time, and State = hasExit
    6. Client receives a confirmation that the record was sent or stored off-line for later delivery

In Sahana Eden, this would be done using the S3Tracking framework which supports check-in & check-out from sites.

Analyst wants to find the set of Clients Y infected by Patient X

  1. Search for Patient X in the database and then requests for all associated data; i.e. all Clients Y and Facility / Vessel Z for a particular time frame (recursively retrieve all data or apply an algorithm
  2. Notify all close contacts with instructions to get tested; notify all other contacts to be practice social distancing and self-quarantine.
Dia Source File for download

Current Status

It's not quite ready for an out-of-the-box solution, it would be very quick/easy to build a proper solution from it, which could meet any of the 4 use cases above.


  • Vector Tracking for Dengue/Malaria
  • Configure Anonymizer to remove personal data after some time (or upon request)
  • Configure Consent Tracking so that we know whether people are happy to be contacted in future for follow-ups

There are some hard-coded thresholds that should better be settings, and it should be possible to distinguish new cases from old cases for any given date.

Some of the hard-coded statuses may need to be made lookup tables.

The map layers do not work with case data (only stats data)

See Also

  • UserGuidelines/Disease
  • Deployments/Ebola
  • BluePrint/EmergencyMedicalRecords
  • BluePrint/HospitalManagementSystem
  • The UK is considering such an App, which can also use GPS & BlueTooth, as well as QR
  • India has developed an App
    A new app from the Indian government may tell you if you've crossed paths with someone infected with Covid-19.
    The app, which is called Aarogya Setu (translates to bridge to health from the Sanskrit), will use Bluetooth and location data to tell if the user has been near a person with Covid-19 and is at risk.
    The app scans a database of known registered cases to assess if the user has been within six feet of a known positive case.
    The app also shares the data with the government in case the user tests positive or has been around someone who is infected with Covid-19.
    While your name or number won't be public, the app does collect this information as well as your gender, travel history and whether you're a smoker.



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