Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of BluePrint/PDF

01/08/12 21:17:09 (13 years ago)
Michael Howden



  • BluePrint/PDF

    v1 v1  
     2= !BluePrint: PDF Generation =
     4=== PDF ===
     5For more formal reports (which can also be retrieved via webservices using the PDF representation of the REST Controller), we currently use [ ReportLab]. This also supports Graphics (via [ PIL])
     7  10:44:51      lifeeth:         I used raw reportlab to make the OCR forms :|
     11How to set up a new PDF file
     12You need to edit your pdf-defs.tcl file to include the new type in pdf_generate_pdf. Also create a new Python file, and set it up as you like it. That's basically it.
     18open source version
     22== Haiti PDF ==
     24flavour coordinating
     26 * Fix the base PDF generation in {{{models/}}}'s {{{export_pdf()}}} as they currently look awful (& hence aren't exposed to users by hiding it in {{{views/formats.html}}})!
     27  * /module/resource.pdf
     28 * Provide a Filter option exposed to users so they can print just the Contacts for a particular Organisation
     29  * Ideally a generic routine, but then a [wiki:RESTController#Options custom one can be added] via {{{response.s3.formats.pdf}}} variable being set in the Controller before invoking the {{{shn_rest_controller()}}} to make it really pretty
     32 *
     33  * "generate a contact list for specific orgs as a PDF"
     34 * [wiki:BluePrint/Reporting Data Analysis, Visualisation and Reporting]
     35  * We currently use Geraldo for PDF creation, but it has issues, so we should consider either switching to Pisa or dropping down to raw ReportLab (with our own custom classes on top).
     36   * We do this already for the OCR PDF generation.
     38NB We're currently having [ problems] getting Geraldo (0.3.6 & 0.3.9) working on Prod Debian server at all, so test offline on your own instance for fine on my local Win32
     57== Introduction ==
     58<Introduce the problem the solution is meant for>
     59<Explain why this could be relevant for Eden>
     61== Description ==
     62<Briefly describe the solution, e.g. start with a user story>
     63<Name existing solutions, e.g. in other applications>
     65== Requirements ==
     66<Outline the requirements here>
     67<Group requirements in subsections, e.g. functional, non-functional, interoperability etc.>
     69== Use-Cases ==
     70<Describe actors and use-cases>
     71<Describe workflows>
     72<Include diagrams where useful>
     74== Design ==
     75<Describe a possible design, repeat any design sections for alternative designs>
     76<Include diagrams, screen mockups and wireframes where useful>
     78== Implementation ==
     79<Leave open for a list of implementation>
     81== References ==
     82<Links to external resources>