Version 12 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Blueprint for the Request Management Module
We need to be able to track Requests for Aid & their Fulfilment.
- pe_group/Req ('Community' or 'Family')
- Shelter/Req
- Hospital/Req
- Organisation/Req
- Office/Req <- can be used for internal requests, like IT/Stock Requests?
- Pledger marks status as 'Delivered' - pseudo role or onvalidation?
- Requestor marks status as 'Received' - pseudo role or onvalidation?
- Want Sync strategy for this
- Structured into category/subcategory (like Vol Skills widget?)
- Link RMS to Inventory (Warehouse)
- Separate Line Items in Single Req (like PR)
- => Header info entered once :)
- Pledges match line items (like PO)
- RMS Timetable options?
- 'Immediate'
Shelter Management/Needs assessment
- #families/#people => Food/Water/Shelter needs for simplified RMS reqs
Haiti Requirements:
User Guide for old PHP system:
Wireframes for a proposed system for Nashville Floods:
Usability suggestion for Pakistan Vesion
- Home seems not necessary since the sub menu is quite clear to navigate.
- Submenu name should be consistent with the link page
- Use "Pledge Aid" instead "View request & Pledge aid"
- Use "Pledge" instead "View & edit pledge". “List” & “Add” are two submenu under pledge.
- Add Aid Request
- Requester data should be put on the most top
- Request type, date/time should be required
- Location/shelter name of requester should be required.
- (Suggestion)If only existing shelter/organization can make request, then move out country/province/district/town/village.
- (Suggestion) is better for usability (more clear) and makes the process easier. Pushing requesters to register in db before making request is also good for relief statistics work.
- If (Suggestion) is developed, then the address for shelter/org will be required. And put existing org dropdown on this page.
- If (Suggestion) is developed, make either shelter or org is required when make a request.
- If (Suggestion) is not developed, check that is address for a requester which is not existing shelter necessary for delivery?
- Is reference doc necessary for aid request? If not, move it out.
- List Aid Requests
- Message “Click on an ID in the left-hand column to make a Pledge to match a request for aid.” Should be modified to fit the real interface, like:” Click on “Pledge” button in the left-hand column to make a Pledge to match a request for aid.
- Add a “search” button instead of press enter tab
- Pledge a request
- Request type and data of requester should be put in the “Aid Request Details” section top of the page.
- All columns should be required.
- Add comments column to the pledges table..
- Use “Pledge This Request” instead “Add New Pledge”
- Use “List pledges for this request” instead “list pledge” which points to “all pledges” in this module
- Consider to add pledge type(same as request type) which may make the process easier and the message more clear.
- Location map problem, see ticket: #514
- List pledges
- Since there’s some space on the page, try to add message column on the page.
- Use “edit” instead of “open” for each pledge since it’s editable not only browse. And users do edit status.
- Add a “search” button instead of press enter tab.
- Search is not working , see ticket #512
- Move Page no.button to be closed to pledge table.
- Edit pledge
- Delete function is not working , see ticket: #513
- Delete is not necessary since status “canceled” is there.
- Add pledge
- All columns should be required.
- Pledge type should be necessary for this process.
Attachments (3)
Page for offer help.doc
(33.0 KB
) - added by 15 years ago.
Taiwan design for 'Offer Help' page
- Usability suggestion for RMS.doc (32.0 KB ) - added by 15 years ago.
Requirement of Request Management.doc
(113.5 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
Taiwan Requirements
Download all attachments as: .zip
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