Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of BluePrint/SAFIRE/UseCases

11/27/17 09:02:50 (7 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/SAFIRE/UseCases

    v5 v6  
    1313||= Event scale =||= #Reports =||= #Teams =||= Activities =||
    14 ||Small || Single || Single ||receives call and initiates an incident report[[br]] dispatches first-response team and updates event information[[br]] incident contained, report is updated, and event is closed ||
    16    a. '''Small''' scale event (single report and single response team)
    18    a. '''Medium''' scale event (single report with multiple response teams)
    19       i. receives call and initiates an incident report
    20       i. dispatches first-response team
    21       i. updates event information
    22       i. new resources are dispatched, report is updated
    23       i. incident contained and event closes the incident report
    24    a. '''Large''' scale event (multiple reports with multiple response teams)
    25       i. receives call and initiates an incident report
    26       i. dispatches first-response team
    27       i. alerts the EOC director / commander
    28       i. case taken over by EOC Operations Unit
    29       i. call center continues to record multiple reports
    30 1. Operations manages:
     14||Small || Single || Single ||receives call and initiates an incident report[[br]] dispatches first-response team and updates event information[[br]] incident is contained, report is updated, and event is closed ||
     15||Medium || Single || Multiple ||receives call and initiates an incident report[[br]] dispatches first-response team and updates event information[[br]] dispatch additional response teams and updates report[br]] incident is contained, report is updated, and event is closed ||
     16||Large || Multiple || Multiple ||receives call and initiates an incident report[[br]] dispatches first-response team and updates event information[[br]] another call is received and incident report is initiated, ||Call center alerts EOC Commander and event is taken over by Operations Unit[[br]] Call center continues to record multiple reports and assigns to the same event ||
     19=== Operations Unit manages: ===
     20||= Event scale =||= #Reports =||= #Teams =||= Activities =||
    3122   a. Common event with defined and available resources
    3223   a. Common event with undefined and available resources