
Version 16 (modified by VinnyG20, 11 years ago) ( diff )


Security Management Module


"In the last decade, lethal attacks against humanitarian personnel have tripled, reaching over 100 deaths per year." Delivering aid in risky environments: what works? UN OCHA 12 April 2011 At present there does not appear to be any purpose designed software that is easy to use and deploy for the security tracking of volunteers/staff members operating in hostile environments. Building on the Volunteer Module the Security Management Module would enable the humanitarian community "to stay and deliver."


Mary a UNDSS Security Officer in a city in a developing country is ordered to concentrate all staff from various Agencies, Funds and Programs at a secure location due to widespread rioting. Peter a staff member with Agency X is reported as not having arrived at the concentration point. Peter looks in the Sahana Eden Security Management Module and is able to find out who the Staff Member's supervisor is. Mary contacts and confirms with the supervisor that the staff member is indeed in country and not on leave. Further Mary finds that the staff member should be at home. Mary prints out a sheet of paper with a photo of the staff member, a GPS reference and photograph of the entrance of her residence and a Google/Openstreetmap or sketch showing the exact location. (In many developing or war damaged cities there are no street/house numbers or road signs.) Mary is able to locate the residence and bring Peter to the concentration site.

Fred is a logistics manager with a small NGO. Fred is not a security expert but has been given security responsibilities. Fred needs a means of keeping track of staff/volunteers who are in and out of the country and where they live.

Name existing solutions, e.g. in other applications

At the moment in the experience of the author NGO Security Officers in the field rely on:

Excel/Access LibreOffice Calc/Base Bits of paper written in crayons.

None of which are easy to update. They have two major points of failure:

  1. Staff Member/Volunteer has to provide up to date information. This needs to be easy to do. Sahana Eden can help here.
  2. The NGO Security Officer often has to take paper forms and manually input them into excel sheets. Depending on the technical skill of the officer this can lead to duplicate records or delays in records being updated.Sahana Eden can help reduce errors. (The author recalls in a previous mission one individual being listed as having 5 different radios and one radio being issued to 3 different people. This would cause breakdowns in communication during a time of crisis. Sahana Eden Security Management Module being a proper database should be able to reduce some of the accidental errors. (ie. A single radio call sign could only be issued to one person.)

Project Management


Project Description: Our company is designing a software to completely redesign the way you think about security. We want to have eyes on everything that goes on at a certain location or company. The software will be advanced and it will be the most high tech security software available. The software will redefine security and the way it’s viewed. We want to deliver a main security software, protected website for off site use, mobile application exclusively for administrators and CEO’s.. It should sound crazy because it is. We absolutely do not want another National Security leak of information. The software will monitor hallway activity, opening and closing of doors, live feed of cameras, a virtual feed of the activity, scanning of ID’s, employees on duty and their location at all times, location of certain special personal and monitoring of the network usage. The software will also have the capabilities to monitor offsite locations so we can plan the best action, depending on the situation. The software will serve as a top of the line system to protect the companies employee’s, companies data, and the overall image of the company. The website will be simply a place for the Administrators and CEO to securely log on to in case of a disaster. It will be simple, secure, and most importantly useful. The mobile application will serve as the same purpose. We hope that each will serve as a backup if we are to have a catastrophic disaster. We hope that this serious approach to security will minimize incidents like information leaks, non trusted individuals on grounds, and future planning. We want to provide our own equipment for each site that we will secure. Our employee’s will operate the equipment, manage the software from our office, and work with security already in place to guarantee success. The software is designed to keep everything out and to keep everyone safe from disasters. The main goal of this project and software is to keep a company safe from disasters.


<Outline the requirements here> <Group requirements in subsections, e.g. functional, non-functional, interoperability etc.>


<Describe actors and use-cases> <Describe workflows> <Include diagrams where useful>



<Leave open for a list of implementation>


NGO Security Page (Good set of Links to books, websites, etc. linked to NGO Security Best Practices)

A good starting point for those not familiar with NGO Security Basics would be Operational Security Management in Violent Environment by Koenraad Van Brabant available online at:

Delivering aid in risky environments: what works? UN OCHA []


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