24 | | 1. |
25 | | |
| 24 | '''Sarvodaya Shramadana Society''' |
| 25 | 1. Sarvodaya contacts the UN RCO to request for access with HCT permissions |
| 26 | 1. UN RCO creates an account with Org Admin permissions with feature to import export |
| 27 | 1. Sarvodaya access the ShaRe system and login |
| 28 | 1. Click on import 4W /eden/req/4W/import |
| 29 | a. In the filter option select the particular Event in dropdown |
| 30 | a. Click Export 4W (or download sample) |
| 31 | i. will present a CSV file to save |
| 32 | i. name the file and save on personal computer |
| 33 | i. if no records, then give empty CSV with headers |
| 34 | 1. add their relief 4W data to the CSV file |
| 35 | a. save as sarvodaya_4W_20170605.csv |
| 36 | a. click on import 4W |
| 37 | a. Browse for the 4W on their personal computer |
| 38 | a. upload to ShaRe through /eden/req/4W/import |
| 39 | a. Once again select the Event in the dropdown |
| 40 | a. click Export to get a fresh copy of CSV with the Sarvodaya 4W data |
| 41 | 1. 24 hours later, the next day |
| 42 | a. Access the ShaRe system and login |
| 43 | a. click on import 4W /eden/req/4W/import |
| 44 | a. Browse the laptop to find the updated spreadsheet |
| 45 | a. Uploads the new file as sarvodaya_4W_20170606 |
| 46 | a. ShaRe system identifies |
| 47 | |