| 8 | During an event (or disaster) following are the key workflows |
| 9 | 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#DeclaringanEvent Creating a new Event] (e.g. Flood 2017) |
| 10 | 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#GettingGovernmentNeedsDataintoShaRe Getting request] from the Government in 3 alternate ways: (a) using ShaRe interfaces (b) Call a hotline at an EOC (c) spreadsheet uploads |
| 11 | 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#a4WupdatesfromHCTandOthers HCT submitting 4W spreadsheets] with updates of commits to requests |
| 12 | 1. [ Content management] specifically situational-reports, documents, photos, and homepage |