Changes between Version 99 and Version 100 of BluePrint/ShaRe

03/30/18 08:59:04 (7 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/ShaRe

    v99 v100  
    100100'''Categorized listing of user stories:'''
    101101=== During the disaster ===
    102 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#DuringtheEvent Declare the event] to start a new Event in ShaRe and modify the homepage with the particular event specific information
    103 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#a4WupdatesfromHCTandOthers HCT Upload 4W data] using a standard CSV file that is updated with information to then upload to ShaRe
     1021. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#DuringtheEvent Declare a new event] to start a new Event in ShaRe and modify the homepage with the particular event specific information
     1031. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#a4WupdatesfromHCTandOthers HCT Upload 4W data] using a standard CSV file that is updated with information to then upload to ShaRe
     1041. [wiki/BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#GettingGovernmentNeedsDataintoShaRe Getting the Gov data] on relief and rehabilitation needs (requests) into to ShaRe; through 3 ways
     105   a. Using ShaRe mobile and desktop interfaces (or forms) to login and enter the data
     106   a. Call a hotline to reach a EOC that processes the call to enter the data into ShaRe as a request and request updates
     107   a. Spreadsheet, reformatted and defined, for individuals to fill in data and then import (upload) into ShaRe
    1041081. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#Shelterequipmentforlandslidevictims Shelter equipment for landslide victims] - 12 families have lost their homes and need tents, bedding, latrines, and other essentials.