17 | | <What problem is this solution solving?> |
18 | | During the onset of the Southwest Monsoon in 2017, the UN Resident Coordinators Office (RCO) supported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) developed a simple 3W (“Who does What Where”) template. This 3W was simple and intended to capture the responding agencies activities and responding locations to the floods and landslides that had occured. This was then reflected on a map of Sri Lanka as a visual aid. |
| 17 | The real need for a solution was recognized during the onset of the 2017 Southwest Monsoon instigated flood and landslide events in Sri Lanka. The [https://lk.one.un.org/un-in-sri-lanka/un-resident-coordinators-office/ UN Resident Coordinators Office] (RCO) of Sri Lanka, supported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) [http://www.unocha.org/roap Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific] (ROAP), developed a simple 3W (“Who does What Where”) template. |
| 18 | 3W was: |
| 19 | * simple and intended to capture the responding agencies activities and responding locations |
| 20 | * reflected on a map of Sri Lanka as a visual aid. |
| 21 | * eventually adapted into a 4W (“Who does What Where, and When”) |
| 22 | * 4W was: |
| 23 | * an enhancement to capture other details such as donors, responsible agencies and implementing partners. |
| 24 | * exceeding the capacity of the RCO to conduct mapping of the 4W (i.e. only the raw data was released) |
| 25 | * reliant on the manual regular distribution of the template, followed by manual “cleaning” of the data. |