Changes between Version 133 and Version 134 of BluePrint/ShaRe

08/06/18 17:52:07 (6 years ago)
Alex Suwitra

RCO - Halfway through editing the doc. The original info will be linked to this so it is not lost.


  • BluePrint/ShaRe

    v133 v134  
    55== Introduction ==
    7 The solution is a [ Humanitarian Country Team] (HCT)  '''relief and rehabilitation activity coordination platform'''. It extends to the wider humanitarian community, government and the public. The main uses include:
    8 * Managing relief
    9    * needs - authorized users to report a aid request
    10    * Donor (aid supplier) -
    11       - commit supplies (cash, in-kind, goods, services)
    12       - dispatch (items/services),
    13       - monitor the delivery & return of supplied items and services (logistics)
    14 * Reporting
    15    * publish situational-reports and management summary reports
    16    * display of relief activities in list form, on a geographical map
     7ShaRe Hub is a '''Relief Coordination Platform''' developed for use in Sri Lanka. It currently services the [ Humanitarian Country Team] (HCT), intending to later expand to the wider humanitarian community, Government of Sri Lanka and the public. The main uses include:
     9* Managing Relief
     10   * Needs: users to enter humanitarian response needs and aid requests
     11   * 4W Activities: users to enter information on humanitarian responses undertaken
     12   * Commitments: users can partially or fully commit to meeting the needs entered into the platform
     13   * Dashboard: Visual representation of needs and responses on a map
     14* Reporting
     15   * Publish Situational Reports and Updates
     16   * Upload other relevant documentation to the platform
    1819=== Real Need for Eden ===
    1920The real need for a solution was recognized during the onset of the 2017 Southwest Monsoon instigated flood and landslide events in Sri Lanka. The [ UN Resident Coordinators Office] (RCO) of Sri Lanka, supported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) [ Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific] (ROAP), developed a simple 3W (“Who does What Where”) template.
    20 * 3W was:
     21* The 3W was:
    2122   * simple and intended to capture the responding agencies activities and responding locations
    2223   * reflected on a map of Sri Lanka as a visual aid.
    2324   * eventually adapted into a 4W (“Who does What Where, and When”)
    24 * 4W was:
     25* The 4W was:
    2526   * an enhancement to capture other details such as donors, responsible agencies and implementing partners.
    2627   * exceeding the capacity of the RCO to conduct mapping of the 4W (i.e. only the raw data was released)
    2728   * reliant on the manual regular distribution of the template, followed by manual “cleaning” of the data.
    29 The HCT in the Lessons Learned Action Plan of 2017, determined that the Sahana EDEN platform should be explored as an option to improve these methods. The ShaRe Hub would be developed as an Eden template that can be deployed to server other HCT and UN RCO teams in other countries.
     30The Sahana EDEN Platform was proposed as an option to improve these methods of HCT coordination and information management. There is potential for ShaRe Hub to be developed as an Eden template that can be deployed to HCT and UN RCO teams in other countries.
    3132=== Value to the Humanitarian Community ===
    4546== Stakeholders ==
    47 1. Super-Users:
    48    a. Resident Coordinators Office, Sector Leads and Co-Leads
    49    a. HCT members (e.g. UN-RCO, Oxfam, World Vision)
     481. Primary-Users:
     49   a. UN Resident Coordinators Office, HCT Sector Leads and Co-Leads
     50   a. HCT members (e.g. UNICEF, Oxfam, World Vision)
    5051      i. Previous users of the HCT 3-4W system
    51       i. mostly include coordination members and their designated Information Management Officers (if any)
     52      i. mostly include the organisation's disaster response coordination members and their designated Information Management Officers (if any)
    5253      i. Authorized user with permissions assigned to manage organizations, sites (warehouses, drop-off points), contacts, resources (kits), request needs, donor supplies, logistics (track delivery), publish management summary reports
    53541. Secondary users (Specific actors may have log-in, can view sanitized/raw data, interact with request needs)
    5657      i. Ministry of Disaster Management bodies
    5758      i. Disaster Management Centre / Emergency Operations Centre)
    58    a. Includes a needs request manager (a Community-authorized user with permissions to log and update needs requests)
     59   a. May include a needs request manager (a Community-authorized user with permissions to log and update needs requests)
    59601. General population, media (National/International), affected population
    6061   a. No log-in - can view sanitized data
    6465=== Roles and Capabilities ===
     67A number of user roles existed in the out-of-the-box iteration of the ShaRe Hub platform. In the HCT phase of the platform, the number has been limited.
    6669=== Permissions ===
     70*Organisations can CRUD/Edit information entered by their own organisation only, not other orgs. Only the System Administrator can CRUD/Edit other organisation information.
    6873C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete
    7177||Administrator (SysAdmin) ||* upkeep and maintenance of the system[[br]] * assign roles and grant permission to all users including HCT Orgs, ad-hoc donors (suppliers), and ad-hoc needs loggers[[br]] * customize the homepage CMS with on going event information[[br]] [note] - designated member(s) of the HCT ||C,R,U,D - information related to all active module features and functions ||
    72 ||Organization Administrator (Org Admin) ||* manages the organization specific information (sites/facilities/warehouses) [[br]] * define supply items/kits/packages[[br]] * manage org specific users (e.g. Needs Logger & Needs Approver)[[br]] [note] - HCT organizations like Oxfam, IOM, UNICEF ||C, R, U, D - user, organization, supplier item, needs, & logistics ||
    73 ||Needs Logger ||* search, initiate and update needs requests[[br]] [note] - members of the HCT organizations or wider humanitarian community ||C, R, U, D needs requests ||
    74 ||Needs Approver ||* search and update needs request status {verified, approved} [note] - designated organization members; e.g. IOM conducting initial assessments ||R, U needs ([wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe#Howdoweknowwhetherarequestisauthentic see note])||
    75 ||Donor (Supplier) ||* manage supply items (cash or goods), packs, & kits[[br]] * provide services (e.g. medical, engineering, WASH)[[br]] * commit to needs[[br]] * manage collection & delivery logistics [[br]] [note] - they are different from Org Admin because Donors (Suppliers) cannot CRUD other users, organization information  ||C, R, U, D organization only (i.e. cannot manage facilities, sites, warehouses), supply items (packs * kits)[[br]] U - needs (i.e. commit) ||
    76 ||Rapporteur ||* manage sitreps, documents, and other CMS information ||C, R, U, D CMS and Documents[[br]] R - needs, supply, & logistics ||
    77 ||Anonymous (no login) ||* view needs requests and see the status of donor aid commitments [[br]]* ask to become a Needs_Logger or Donor (Supplier) [[br]]* Provide micro-blogs (images and text as reports || R - needs, donations, sitreps [[br]] W - user registration ||
     78||Organization Administrator (Org Admin) ||* manages the organization specific information (sites/facilities/warehouses) [[br]] * define supply items/kits/packages[[br]] * manage org specific users (e.g. Needs Logger & Needs Approver)[[br]] [note] - HCT organizations like Oxfam, IOM, UNICEF [[br]] [note] Currently, most general HCT users will have Org. Admin permission ||C, R, U, D - user, organization, supplier item, needs, & logistics ||
     79||Needs Logger ||* search, initiate and update needs requests[[br]] [note] - members of the HCT organizations or wider humanitarian community [[br]] '''[note] Though this user type exists, most HCT users will hold Org Admin permissions. This user may have function in later phases.'''||C, R, U, D needs requests ||
     80||Needs Approver ||* search and update needs request status {verified, approved} [note] - designated organization members; e.g. IOM conducting initial assessments [[br]] '''[note] Though this user type exists, most HCT users will hold Org Admin permissions. This user may have function in later phases.'''||R, U needs ([wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe#Howdoweknowwhetherarequestisauthentic see note])||
     82||Anonymous (no login) ||* view needs requests and 4W Activities and see the status of commitments [[br]]* Must register for approval to become a user with other permissions [[br]] || R - needs, donations, sitreps [[br]] W - user registration ||
     85A former user type was '''Donor (Supplier)'''. This user has been removed. The key difference between the Donor (Supplier) and the Org. Admin was that the Donor (Supplier) could only CRUD/Edit information that they had created. This functionality was desired for all users except Admin, so the permissions were given to Org. Admin rendering no role for the Donor (Supplier) Role.
     87A '''Rapporteur''' role was also provided out-of-the-box. The role is primarily for communications officers to upload and access information in ShaRe Hub. These officers can use org admin user roles, unless a specific communications role is required.
    7989=== Menus ===
    81 * Everyone can see Home, User, Language & Help menu items
     91* Everyone can see Home, Needs Summary Table, 4W Activity Summary Table and associated Dashboard map, Situational Updates, Organisations, About and Help menu items, as well as linked resources and language option on the homepage
    8292* In addition to the menu items in the table, the Administrator can see the default Eden Admin menus (e.g. messaging, etc)
    8393* Default - as a value in a table cell implies the default table listing of the records
    8494* [wiki:BluePrint/Menu/Application Learn about Application Menus]
    8595* [wiki:DeveloperGuidelines/Menus Developer guidelines on Menus]
    86 * Main menu items: aid request, donor supply, sitreps, more, & admin
     96* Main menu items: As above.
    8898||=Role=||=Needs (aid requests)=||=Donors=||=Sitreps=||=More=||=Administration=||
    90100||Org Admin ||Default [[br]] - Create & Import ||Commitments [[br]]Items [[br]]- Create & Import [[br]]Catalogs [[br]]- Create & Import [[br]]Item Categories [[br]]- Create & Import ||Default [[br]] - Create & Import ||Organization [[br]]Facilities [[br]] Documents ||Users [[br]]- Create & Import ||
    91101||Needs Logger ||Default [[br]]- Create & Import [[br]]- Commitments  || || || || ||
    92 ||Needs Approver ||Default [[br]]- Approve || || || || ||
    93 ||Donor (Supplier) ||Default [[br]] - Commitments ||Items [[br]]- Create & Import || ||Organization [[br]]Documents || ||
    94 ||Rapporteur ||Default ||Default ||Default [[br]] - Create & Import ||Documents || ||
     102||Needs Approver ||Default [[br]]- Approve || || || || || ||
    95103||Anonymous ||Default || ||Default || || ||
    96104== User Stories ==
     108'''User stories - titles updated below, but stories must be edited by RCO'''
    98110[wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases View a compilation of all the user stories] or browse through the listing of user stories listed below.
    99112=== During the disaster ===
    100 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#DeclaringanEvent Declare a new event] to start a new Event in ShaRe and modify the homepage with the particular event specific information
    101 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#a4WupdatesfromHCTandOthers HCT Upload 4W data] using a standard CSV file that is updated with information to then upload to ShaRe
    102 1. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#GettingGovernmentNeedsDataintoShaRe Getting the Gov data] on relief and rehabilitation needs (requests) into to ShaRe; through 3 ways
    103    a. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#story1 Using ShaRe mobile and desktop interfaces] (or forms) to login and enter the data
    104    a. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#story2 Call a hotline] to reach a EOC that processes the call to enter the data into ShaRe as a request and request updates
    105    a. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#story3 Spreadsheet], reformatted and defined, for individuals to fill in data and then import (upload) into ShaRe
    106 1. [# Publishing sitreps & managing content] to provide the latest information to the public and the humanitarian community
     114The Key workflows during the disaster are:
     1151. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#DeclaringanEvent Creating a new event]  (e.g. SW Monsoon floods and landslides 2017)
     1162. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#a4WupdatesfromHCTandOthers Creating and Editing Needs]
     1173. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#GettingGovernmentNeedsDataintoShaRe
     118 Committing to Needs]
     1194. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#story1 Entering and editing 4W activities] (e.g. response activities)
     1205. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#story2 Entering Situational Updates]  (documents such as Situational Reports and associated summaries).
     124 '''use the link'''[wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#story3 Spreadsheet]
     125''also explain (and link to new doc) to the old workflows here e.g. the 4W Upload''
     127'''RCO - Pick up from here'''
    107129=== Pre disaster ===
    1081301. [wiki:BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases#RegisteringanHCTOrganization Registering an HCT Organization] to make use of ShaRe with Org-Admin previledges