Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of BluePrint/ShaRe

02/12/18 14:23:58 (7 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/ShaRe

    v19 v20  
    4040||[] ||Similarly, organisational site like DMC. [[br]]Website updated in late 2017 to improve navigation and include “Contingency Planning” features (lists of standardised kits, data for district disaster response plans, and a relief registration function). However, while a member of the public can log a relief request on the website, there is no platform on which to view the progress of these requests or any other form on interaction with the NDRSC or other actors.||National Disaster Relief Services Centre (NDRSC)  ||
    4141||[ desinventar] ||A Hazard and risk-profile site with country-specific information ||International platform hosted by UNISDR, supported by others including UNDP ||
    42 ||[ Platform for Real-time Information and Situation Monitoring (PRISM)] ||Uses satellite imagery to capture impacts of a hazard on a community (e.g. Sri Lanka drought, floods)[[br]](a) Baseline Data Layer — provides basic information from official statistics such as population data and socio-economic indicators;[[br]](b) Climate Layer — compiles satellite data showing meteorological drought (rainfall anomaly) and agriculture drought (Standardised Precipitation Index and Vegetation Health Index); and[[br]](c) Impact Layer — delivers insights derived from the combination of baseline and climate layers such as area of crops affected and number of persons at risk of food insecurity. ||World Food Program (WFP), Ministry of Disaster Management ||
     42||[ PRISM] ||Platform for Real-time Information and Situation Monitoring (PRISM) uses satellite imagery to capture impacts of a hazard on a community (e.g. Sri Lanka drought, floods)[[br]](a) Baseline Data Layer — provides basic information from official statistics such as population data and socio-economic indicators;[[br]](b) Climate Layer — compiles satellite data showing meteorological drought (rainfall anomaly) and agriculture drought (Standardised Precipitation Index and Vegetation Health Index); and[[br]](c) Impact Layer — delivers insights derived from the combination of baseline and climate layers such as area of crops affected and number of persons at risk of food insecurity. ||World Food Program (WFP), Ministry of Disaster Management ||
    4343== Stakeholders ==
    4444<Who will be the users of the solution?>