Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of BluePrint/ShaRe

02/12/18 19:39:51 (7 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/ShaRe

    v20 v21  
    4242||[ PRISM] ||Platform for Real-time Information and Situation Monitoring (PRISM) uses satellite imagery to capture impacts of a hazard on a community (e.g. Sri Lanka drought, floods)[[br]](a) Baseline Data Layer — provides basic information from official statistics such as population data and socio-economic indicators;[[br]](b) Climate Layer — compiles satellite data showing meteorological drought (rainfall anomaly) and agriculture drought (Standardised Precipitation Index and Vegetation Health Index); and[[br]](c) Impact Layer — delivers insights derived from the combination of baseline and climate layers such as area of crops affected and number of persons at risk of food insecurity. ||World Food Program (WFP), Ministry of Disaster Management ||
    4343== Stakeholders ==
    44 <Who will be the users of the solution?>
     451. Super-Users:
     46   a. Resident Coordinators Office, Sector Leads and Co-Leads
     47   a. HCT members (e.g. UN-RCO, Oxfam, World Vision)
     48      i. mostly include coordination members and their designated Information Management Officers (if any)
     49      i. Authorized user with permissions assigned to manage organizations, sites (warehouses, drop-off points), contacts, resources (kits), requests, suppliers, logistics (track delivery), publish management summary reports
     501. Secondary users (Specific actors may have log-in, can view sanitized/raw data, interact with requests)
     51   a. Wider humanitarian community
     52   a. Government
     53      i. Ministry of Disaster Management
     54      i. Disaster Management Centre / Emergency Operations Centre)
     55   a. Includes a request manager (a Community-authorized user with permissions to log and update requests)
     561. General population, media, affected population
     57   a. No log-in - can view sanitized data
     58   a. report requests through call centre or hashtagged SMS
    4560<Who else will be affected by this solution? eg. Developers, Users of Existing Functionality that may be changed?>
    4661<How will stakeholders be affected?>