Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of BluePrint/ShaRe

02/12/18 19:51:10 (7 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/ShaRe

    v21 v22  
    4646   a. Resident Coordinators Office, Sector Leads and Co-Leads
    4747   a. HCT members (e.g. UN-RCO, Oxfam, World Vision)
     48      i. Previous users of the HCT 3-4W system
    4849      i. mostly include coordination members and their designated Information Management Officers (if any)
    4950      i. Authorized user with permissions assigned to manage organizations, sites (warehouses, drop-off points), contacts, resources (kits), requests, suppliers, logistics (track delivery), publish management summary reports
    50511. Secondary users (Specific actors may have log-in, can view sanitized/raw data, interact with requests)
    51    a. Wider humanitarian community
     52   a. Wider humanitarian community (others involved in relief provision or other responses)
    5253   a. Government
    53       i. Ministry of Disaster Management
     54      i. Ministry of Disaster Management bodies
    5455      i. Disaster Management Centre / Emergency Operations Centre)
    5556   a. Includes a request manager (a Community-authorized user with permissions to log and update requests)
    56 1. General population, media, affected population
     571. General population, media (National/International), affected population
    5758   a. No log-in - can view sanitized data
    5859   a. report requests through call centre or hashtagged SMS
    60 <Who else will be affected by this solution? eg. Developers, Users of Existing Functionality that may be changed?>
    6163<How will stakeholders be affected?>
    6264Tip: Engage these stakeholders in the development of your !BluePrint.