71 | | ||Donor (Supplier) ||* manage supply items (cash or goods), packs, & kits[[br]] * provide services (e.g. medical, engineering, WASH)[[br]] * commit to requests[[br]] * manage collection & delivery logistics [[br]] [note] - they are different from Org Admin because Donors (Suppliers) cannot CRUD other users, organization information ||C, R, U, D organization only (i.e. cannot manage facilities, sites, warehouses), supply items (packs * kits), U - requests (i.e. commit) || |
72 | | ||Communication Officer ||* manage sitreps, documents, and other CMS information ||C, R, U, D CMS and Documents, R - request, supply, & logistics || |
| 71 | ||Donor (Supplier) ||* manage supply items (cash or goods), packs, & kits[[br]] * provide services (e.g. medical, engineering, WASH)[[br]] * commit to requests[[br]] * manage collection & delivery logistics [[br]] [note] - they are different from Org Admin because Donors (Suppliers) cannot CRUD other users, organization information ||C, R, U, D organization only (i.e. cannot manage facilities, sites, warehouses), supply items (packs * kits)[[br]] U - requests (i.e. commit) || |
| 72 | ||Communication Officer ||* manage sitreps, documents, and other CMS information ||C, R, U, D CMS and Documents[[br]] R - request, supply, & logistics || |