
Version 2 (modified by Augustin Luna, 15 years ago) ( diff )

Added 3W Controlled Vocabulary


CSV Import Formats for 3W Data

Taken form the interface of the 3W Application. The 3W application can import data from CSV files.

Items in bold are mandatory.

Organizations CSV Format

"Organization Name", "Organization Acronym", "Organization Type Name", "Organization Web Site", "Organization Cluster Lead", "Total National Staff", "Total International Staff", "Total Number of Vehicles", "Types of Vehicles ( separated by , )" (end of line)

Offices CSV Format

"Organization Name", "Office Name", "Office Type", "Office Status", "Land Phone (separated by ,)", "Email ", "Fax", "Address 1", "Address 2", "Zip/Postal "Zip/PostalOther Info", "Country", "Admin1Name", "Admin2Name", "Admin3Name", "Admin4Name", "PCode", "Latitude", "Longitude", (end of line)

Contacts CSV Format

"Organization Name Or Acronym", "Sector (separated by , )", "Salutation", "First Name", "Last Name", "Title", "Mobile Phone", "Sat Phone", "Land Phone", "Email ( separated by , )", "Address 1", "Address 2", "Zip/Postal Code", "Country", "Admin1Name", "Admin2Name", "Admin3Name", "Admin4Name", "Responsibility (Head of Office / Security Focal Point / Public Information Liaison Officer/ Cluster Chair /Cluster CoChair - separated by , )", "Mission End Date (dd/mm/yyyy)", "Radio Call Sign", "Fax", "Mailing Group (separated by , )", "Theme ( separated by , )", "Office", "Privacy Status" (end of line)

Projects CSV Format

"Organization Name", "Sector\Cluster Name" , "Sub Sector Name", "Country Name", "Admin 1 Name", "Admin 2 Name", "Admin 3 Name", "Admin 4 Name", "Place Name", "Project Title", "Project Objective", "Project Description", "Primary Beneficiary", "Number of Primary Beneficiaries", "Secondary Beneficiary (separated by , )", "Number of Secondary Beneficiaries", "Implementing Partners (separated by , )", "Project Type", "Project Status", "Project Theme", "CAP #", "Estimated Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)", "Estimated End Date (dd/mm/yyyy)", "Funding Amount", "Funding Currency", "Funding Type", "Funding Status", "Funding Reported to FTS (Yes or No)", "Organization Funding Details For each organization funding the project, the details include: Organization Name,Amount Funded,Funding Currency;(separate the data by comma ,) (For multiple organizations separate each Organization's Dataset by a semi-colon ;) Example: "Org1,100000,US$ ; Org2,20000,Pound"" (end of line)

Place Names CSV Format

"Place Name", "Place Type", "PCode", "Latitude Y", "Longitude X","Country", "Admin1Name", "Admin2Name", "Admin3Name", "Admin4Name", (end of line)

3W OCHA Controlled Vocabularies

Taken form the interface of the 3W Application.

Organization Type

  • Donor
  • Government
  • International NGO
  • International Organization
  • National NGO
  • Military
  • United Nations

Office Type

  • Headquarters
  • Regional
  • Country
  • SubOffice
  • Satellite Office

Office Status

  • Planned
  • Establishing Office
  • Operational
  • Temporary Suspension
  • Closed


  • Head Of Office
  • Cluster Chair
  • Cluster Co Chair
  • Security Focal Point
  • Public Information Liaison Officer

Vehicle Type

  • 4x4 - Land Cruiser
  • Truck - 1 Tonne
  • Truck - 5 Tonnes
  • Truck - 15 Tonnes +
  • Passenger Bus
  • Motor Cycle

Cap Sector/Sector/Cluster

  • Agriculture
  • Camp Coordination and Camp Management
  • Capacity Building
  • Coordination and Support Services
  • Early Recovery
  • Education
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Emergency Telecommunications
  • Environment
  • Food
  • Health
  • Logistics
  • Mine Action
  • Multi-Sector
  • Nutrition
  • Protection
  • Security
  • Water Hygiene and Sanitation

Project Type

  • DDR - Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegratio
  • Development
  • Humanitarian Relief
  • 3Rs - Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

Project Status

  • Project Formulation and Design
  • Approved
  • Proposal
  • Approved but Pending (Financing, Personnel,etc)
  • Under Implementation
  • Completed


  • Children
  • Cooperatives
  • Disadvantaged
  • Family
  • Gender
  • General Population
  • Handicapped/Disabled
  • Host Community
  • Institutions and Agencies
  • Internally Displaced Persons
  • Minorities
  • Orphanages
  • PLWHA - People Living With HIV/AIDS
  • Population in Selected Provinces
  • Pregnant and Nursing Women
  • Refugees
  • Returnees
  • Rural Population
  • Urban Population
  • Vulnerable Population
  • Women

Funding Type

  • Bi-Lateral
  • Multi-Lateral

Funding Status

  • Approved
  • Pending Approval
  • Received

Project Theme

  • Aid co-ordination
  • Avian Influenza
  • Children
  • Civil/Military Relations
  • Conflict Prevention
  • Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration
  • Disability
  • Drug Abuse
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Engagement with Non-State Actors
  • Environment and Sustainable Management
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Gender
  • Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD)
  • Health and Disease Prevention
  • Human Security
  • Information Management
  • Internally Displaced People
  • Management Development
  • Natural Diseases
  • NGOs
  • Orphanage
  • Other
  • Peace Building
  • Peacekeeping
  • Population
  • Poverty Eradication
  • Private Sector
  • Refugees and Returnees
  • Sanctions
  • Security
  • Technical co-operation with countries
  • Transfer and adaptation of technology
  • Transition
  • Transport, storage and logistics
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Youth

Place Name Type

  • IDP Camp
  • Refugee Camp
  • Settlement

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.