Version 4 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
Blueprint for Baseline Data
Currently Sahana doesn't store any baseline data on Populations, etc.
This would be useful to help planning.
Some of these are available in Wikipedia from published Censuses:
UN Common Operational Datasets
- Guardian: OCHA
- Source: Government
Humanitarian Profile
(disaggregated by admin level and populated place)
- Internally Displaced
- Non-displaced affected
- Host family/resident community affected
- Refugee
- Dead
- Injured
- Missing
Population Statistics
- Total population by admin level (individuals)
- Total population by admin level (Number of Households)
- Age
- Sex
- Average family size by admin level
- Unique identifier
Administrative Boundaries
(Geographic) Admin Level 1-4
- Unique identifier (P-Code)
- Name
Populated Places
- Unique identifier (P-Code)
- Names
- Size classification
- Population statistics
- Status if capital of administrative division
- Type (Village, spontaneous settlement, collective center, planned settlement)
Transportation Network
- Roads (Classified by size)
- Railwoys
- Airports/helipads
- Seaports
- Rivers (Classified by size)
- Water bodies
- Elevation
- Resolution
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for help on using the wiki.