Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of BluePrintDecisionMakingTechnicalTwo

12/21/09 22:30:32 (15 years ago)
Connie White



  • BluePrintDecisionMakingTechnicalTwo

    v2 v3  
    77For further studies, it was determined that a list of a variety of transactions needed to be gathered and maintained.  This will help researchers determine which tools or actions trigger other tool usage or actions.  A transaction log will help support the ability to study how the system is used, by which users and why.  This can help determine if new items are created when disagreement is high and other relationships between the available toolset.  Each ‘Active Problem’ will need its own transaction log that only records the actions that are between the members of that particular group.   Particular information needs to be recorded:
    9 •       When someone votes - for each item - (not a change in vote but just if it's voted on initially)
    10 •       When someone changes a vote (for Each item available)
    11 •       When someone posts or replies to a discussion
    12 •       When someone adds an item in the Options List
    13 •       When someone views the Scale
    14 •       When someone views the Option List
    15 •       And time-date for each user
    16 o       Initial vote on an item
    17 o       Change in vote
    18 o       Post/Reply
    19 o       Add item
    20 o       View item list and range or item number
     9•       When someone votes - for each item - (not a change in vote but just if it's voted on initially)[[BR]]
     10•       When someone changes a vote (for Each item available) [[BR]]
     11•       When someone posts or replies to a discussion[[BR]]
     12•       When someone adds an item in the Options List[[BR]]
     13•       When someone views the Scale[[BR]]
     14•       When someone views the Option List[[BR]]
     15•       And time-date for each user[[BR]]
     16o       Initial vote on an item[[BR]]
     17o       Change in vote[[BR]]
     18o       Post/Reply[[BR]]
     19o       Add item[[BR]]
     20o       View item list and range or item number [[BR]]
    2222All integer fields need to have sorting ability so that analysis is easier and more structured for a more accurate analysis.  It should also be available in a format such that it can easily be imported into statistical software and spreadsheet programs, i.e. a simple table.  To maintain anonymity of personal data, each instance can be identified by a primary key.